
That’s been ‘shopped. It’s been used on the cover of the Polish translation of Laurance Rees’ The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler: Leading Millions Into the Abyss, and it’s likely from a photo archive.

That’s not the worst apology I’ve ever seen (low bar), but the bit about her privilege blinding her to the fact that for some other groups the police are not just a benign protection agency is patent bullshit. She makes a point of saying to this guy that she is going to call the police and tell them an “African

Ah, yes - that infamous case where Americans suddenly started passionately caring about another country’s laws, solely because the person who got punished for breaking them was an American.

I am pretty much assuming everyone in this case whining about it is either a nazi or a pedo. Literally no one else is affected by this.

That could be anything from formulas for a physics test, quotes for an English exam, or really anything you think could help guarantee an A—or a B if you don’t want to draw attention.

Maybe they were behind the heart attack but it didn’t work so they’re biding their time before attempt #2.

Is it wrong that I’m now hoping this is the exact plot of the new film? Daddy Markle deserves it at least as much as that guy in the suit who died at the end of Casino Royale.

For a not inconsiderable portion of the population marriage is as much an economic choice as an emotional one, though we're loath to admit it. Maintaining one household with two incomes (hopefully) is one of the few paths still open to build even a modest measure of wealth. Two houses for a married couple is for most

No quid pro crow!

So it’s a J.J. Abrams film: Generally very enjoyable in the moment, but if you stop to think about anything, little-to-none of it stands up to scrutiny. Ultimately, (not to open this can of worms again) it’s “just” a theme park ride. Given the level of excitement that surrounded Galaxy’s Edge though, maybe that really

Riding horses in space is only acceptable if they’re also robots. That’s what the 80s taught me.

Now they need to find Nagini!

Why are they riding horses?!

While Livanart is dressed as a black character with black skin, she hasn’t applied make-up or paint; her transformation into Pyke is achieved through the wearing of a prosthetic suit. Critics see this as a loophole, and that the same intent as blackface—to alter your skin colour to match that of a black person, a

They knew who the bank was, because they used the password reset flow on the banks website.

Roli being trolli’d ... RomostroDUMBASS deserves no discourse

You are correct. I did misread that. My apologies. I still don’t agree, but I can own my mistakes. 

You can tell conservatives are on the right side of history because their greatest rival is teens who want to live.

I hadn’t heard of SCP before Control, but what *really* struck me, was the similarity to 2006's Sci-Fi miniseries The Lost Room.