
Reminds me of a story passed down the family of some uncle who was an antiques dealer specializing in books. One day a guy enters his store, starts looking at a collection of first editions, and asks “can I get about 4 feet of these?”

So, do these people walk into a bookstore and ask “Excuse me, do you have any red or orange books? My blue shelf is full”?

Or in times of war, catapulted into an enemy encampment.

The state took down a suicide prevention website for LGBTQ youth and is pushing policies proven to hurt them. Why?

I honestly thought it was just a community meme until this article... (saw it pop up on Discord, I don’t check official channels)

Shouldn’t she know better, of all people? After she got exploited for Basic Instinct? (as told by her)

How’s the cooling? My 2020 G14 with a 2060 gets balmy when under load, and even my work’s Surface Pro 7 easily starts overheating (and throttling) even when I only have like 3-4 business apps open (say, Outlook, Word, Excel, along with whatever security suite our IT guys have running).

Are you talking about the meta-study based on shaky data, a lot of which was not peer-reviewed, and at least one of which has already been retracted for basically being made-up horseshit? The same meta-study authored by leaders of the “British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group”?

I know it’s weird to latch on to one thing in this sea of crazy but I genuinely don’t get the fear of tracking. Dude, unless you don’t own a smartphone your minute-by-minute location data is already available for sale, legally, on the open market. Isn’t it a bit late to worry about that?

I’m interested. Does PF2e have a fix for “magic does everything better than everyone else”? And does it have a fix for high-level save-or-lose spells?

> ranger pet is always one size bigger

I started playing TTRPG with friends at a D&D 3.0 table. We moved up to 3.5e when it came out, and had a blast. Then life happened, everybody moved along, and I didn’t have TTRPG friends to game with. At that time I developed a weird hobby of coming up with character concepts and trying to make them in D&D, which led

In the US, is it possible to sell without a broker? And if you do so, how much fees do you pay? In France you can sell without an agent (and there’s only the seller’s agent, buyers don’t hire agents) but then when the sale closes a notary takes about 7.5% (most of which go to taxes) from the price. I’m asking because

“a giant corporation presumably big enough to fight its own battles”

Pretty sure this guy’s getting ready to run for president in 2024.

You have zero tolerance for buzzwords and know how to cut through the hype. [...] You are the sort of person who always knows about the latest hot influencer or viral game”

That’s a lesson I learned way back with Far Cry: Blood Dragon. Got swindled, took the hint. Love Ubisoft games, mostly, but I’ll never buy one on PC again.

So then would it not make more sense for bomb trucks to have, say, an open roof with some kind of netting to catch debris? (or something similar, the idea being to leave somewhere for the blast to go while not sending shrapnel flying all over the place)

So she’s launching a political career?

I really don’t know what to do about this. These past few decades have gotten hotter and hotter here in France too, with 40+ °C peaks in Paris now being the norm in the summer for weeks at a time. We ended up buying a portable A/C for our baby a couple years ago, but at the same time I know A/Cs are part of the