
Of course. "Covfefe" isn't even in the dictionary.

People making even a slight deal about Tifas breasts is pissing me off. To me they are still huge AND she is wearing a sports bra which means they are even bigger! She looks fantastic and all the shit heads are complaining about her breast size. 

He didn’t ask/know how many people would likely die until moments before it was going to happen? Bullshit. He didn’t ask that question right before it was about to go down, if he ever asked the question at all.

Oh wow, now we believe in and enjoy NATO? Such convenience!

I wonder how much of a factor simple laziness was. If I found a wallet like the clear envelope in the picture and all it had was a paper list and some business cards and a generic looking key, I might assume (poorly perhaps) it was of very little value to the owner and just dispose of it. If it had a cash, I would be

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values the things you have to say.

The US Navy, as part of its mission, ensures the freedom of passage of all sea lines of communication around the globe as these are critical to our national prosperity, and therefore national interest. The Navy routinely conducts “freedom of navigation” missions in international waters, testing illegal expansionist

That sounds like a pile of shit to me.

This great response


Of course she knew. It was clear from the onset. She was asked to pose for fake rowing photos, for goodness sake.

As a friend of mine says, “If everyone you meet is an asshole, the asshole is you.”

Representative Ocasio-Cortez makes it easy to love her in a lot of ways. Her fire, passion, and commitment to do the job she was elected to dorather than just focusing on getting reelected from the first day of her term—are a refreshing set of changes from the daily grind of political prevarication and mealy-mouthed

See your tweet. Your tweet is evidence to support your point?

It WILL happen. Only your timing estimation is off but not your premise.

You should listen to the podcast, but short version: There’s a big difference between burning down the Red Keep and indiscriminately killing civilians. This would be a whole different conversation if Daenerys had gone straight for Cersei, killing innocents in her quest to kill the woman who usurped the throne and

Most presidents spend the first 2 years of their term enjoying the fruits of the previous guy.  We’re nearing the end of the Obama effect.  The wobbles we’re feeling in the economy are the start of Trumpenomics.  I’d imagine in about a year, we’ll start to see some serious problems as the full impact of the tariffs

The trajectory we were on under the Obama Administration for the last 7 of his 8 years has continued but now with ridiculous tax cuts that deprive the US Treasury of any type of ‘rainy day’ funds. An economy this large won’t turn on a dime. But the people in charge right now are laying the groundwork for deficit-bustin

Enjoy taking that Fifth, Don Jr.