
This guy really gets it, folks. 

I will shout this until the day I die but this game has the best use of the ATB and job system to date in any FF title.

It’s not quite as fascinating to think that the Cathedral withstood centuries during far less advanced times without having a major fire. Yet despite all our modern technology it seems construction workers and/or their equipment were enough to ignite such a devastating fire that will take a massive input of funds and

You’re entitled to your wrong opinion, that’s fine.

And apparently this just happened:

While I hate Trump this problem was before him and has more to do with the NRA, GOP, & brainwashed idiots that think they have the right to any gun ever created.  I can’t imagine how hopeless it must seem to lose a child, watch others continue to lose their children & know that no matter what you try to do to change

Fuck the NRA. I can’t say it enough.

*edit* Someone just pointed out that I should also be saying “Fuck Alex Jones.”

I blame Trump and the Trumpsters in part for this.  Living in a constant state of worry about the future of the Republic exacerbates other stressors and  is constantly draining on one’s hope and coping reservoirs.  Not to mention that the changes in the tax laws have made it harder for small foundations and

“Dude, there is, like, nothing worse than being stuck in traffic.”

“We have to hold all of these people accountable, because if we don’t, our First Amendment rights are at stake here,” Nunes told Hannity.

White Christian Men are the real victims here.

So, you always have to be careful with it, because you know you talk about single-payer, it sounds very seductive—single-payer—say what you want, but it’s a very seductive thing.

Clearly aviation crashes and fatalities have increased as planes have gotten more and more advanced.........Oh, wait:

It’s true, I am kind of uptight about not condoning sex with children.

I just have to laugh at the fact that, even though he’s there by choice, the lone African American in the photo has a look on his face that screams “What the fuck am I doing here with these people?”

Well Jez for one:

Well, we could spur him on his way in 2020. 

You’d think he’d be more sensitive, having fought at the Battle of Wounded Heel.

“My girlfriend has worked full-time to support my career as a Fortnite streamer, so I owe it to her and my four-year-old son...”

To bad there isn’t a way to vet the political affiliation of those using GoFundMe pages. If a Republican, especially one that vote for Trump, my line of thinking is “go F yourselves, you are getting what you voted for.”