
Remember the theme song of America’s Funniest Home Videos in the 90s? “America, America, this is you.”

This year I only was able to read one story. It was the one where the girl got violently violated at her home

Honestly, I thought that one was the least scary - it was so caught up in flowery language that it obscured anything scary in the story.

Uh, no.

This is a great story, but one has to wonder how things would have panned out if the mother was black and tried to rally the same support and attention. 

Exactly. I get the argument that someone who sincerely believes in something that is wrong is not lying. But when it’s flying in the face of all reality, and the person has been told repeatedly that what they’re saying isn’t true, and they refuse to believe reality, they’re fucking delusional.

Did you hear Collins speech about why she was voting for Kavanaugh?

the state’s family-planning program is remarkably less effective at providing birth control than it was a year ago, before state lawmakers voted to cut funding to Planned Parenthood.


“If this Court were to prevent Mr. Trump from engaging in this type of ‘rhetorical hyperbole’ against a political adversary, it would significantly hamper the office of the President,” Otero wrote.

Thanks. I can’t even tell you how terrifying it was. I thought he was going to strangle me to death with that telephone cord. I still can’t handle anyone touching my neck. I try to present a very calm cool and collected I’ve-got-my-shit together demeanor at all times, but watching Dr. Ford testify in front of those

Hi Frida,

Senior year of high school-in the eighties. My parents had moved our family to this godforsaken desert city from the Midwest the middle of my junior year. I was a fish out of water; often quite literally. Left my boyfriend in the Midwest; my first true love. We spent a few months with feverish phone calls, long love

Uh, where was Taylor Swift during the 2016 presidential election?

I have always loved China and its beautiful land.

“Fucking particle physicists. Send those dumbass fuckers to charm school”

Sounds too little too late, and I don’t think this was an actual win overall for Nintendo. Just so people know, Nintendo also lost a lawsuit previously on this same case:

“one of the wettest we’ve ever seen from the standpoint of water.”

I didn’t read the article: the poster