
I can’t believe anyone is calling this human ‘idol,’ regardless of her side eye skills.

Well, that’s a load of horseshit. Who let you out of the greys?

Welp. Wasn’t expecting that. But whatever! Not gonna let that stop me from this! Ahem.

Still better than Roy Moore.

Q: How do you know the the pony and dog are sad it lost its eye?

It seems to me that Trump has opened a rift

The photo is being “misrepresented?” Yeah, I’m sure she just fell into a doorknob to get that black eye...


All three first stage boosters will land with the two side boosters coming back to the launch site and the center booster landing on Of Course I Still Love You. The second stage will stay attached to the payload.

There are no fucking words after that, none. He’s finished, done. I’ve heard some attempted defences of people over the course of the post-Weinstein saga but never anything so extraordinarily disregarding of what actually happened as this with Tarantino wanting to be a pedant about the legal definition of rape all of

That’s what put me back in the hospital in the first place.

NUNES presents: Finding Memo

Pictured: Yamcha warming up on the pitcher’s mound.

Why do facts need to have two sides?

Case in point, look at the replies to this article showing up in the grays. It hurts to realize that someone so malignantly misinformed and holding this really ugly, skewed moral point of view is actually a fellow American:

Reading this, as a UK resident, I can only shake my head in disbelief. Since last year, I have had a number of health issues all no doubt due to hitting 40 and my body deciding that the previous 20 years of ill use were enough.
I’ve had cameras in three orifices, and due for two of those orifices to receive cameras

Because the idiot who was PM at the time was so high on his own sense of narcissism that he thought he could call a vote, win it on the strength of his own personality and then shut up his political enemies in his own party. Trouble is that most of the people in the UK hated his personality and would vote to be set on

Worse. The day after.’s all you buddy. Those policies you implemented in 2009-11 seem to really have helped a lot.

I am bitterly jealous of the amazing trolling that occurred here. All you need is a tacky gold toilet, an outrageous request from POTUS, and the ability to respond to him without laughing so hard that you herniate.