
The GOP is never going to drop Trump.

It’s funny how quickly Bitcoin supporters have switched from “Bitcoin is the currency of the future,” to, “Blockchain is the encryption of the future.”

This is world class trolling. Jesus Christ.

leave and pay for an unfinished service while you were harassed? uh ok sounds great

Who I saw him say this, I felt physically ill. He’s like an extrusion of evil into our Universe. Honestly, it’s like a science fiction story.

I don’t know what kind of awards can be given to judges, but she should get one for this.

After long delays, Trump will testify. Trump will listen to his lawyers and remember nothing. Then he’ll turn to twitter to say that he’s been exonerated by Mueller. The investigation will show that they tried to collude but didn’t and obstructed justice. That will drag R’s during the elections, but not enough for

I am so into this scenario you’ve laid that I want to cuddle with it.

I am worried. I took a lot of pictures before I left of what was remaining in the apartment and the police warned my landlord about removing or damaging my items. But at this point I’m not sure that even matters to him.

They are trying to make a balanced game and you want them to put in a character who no doubt would have a miniscule hitbox? Dream on.

Not the first time he left a Chiaotzu-sized hole in something.

You’re fucking retarded

Also, be mindful of your function in the event of a merger.

Well, white people invented jazz.

These individuals are filled with a lot of hot air, that air however is inert gas. That is why it also feels so suffocating having to deal with them.

Why didn’t they go with “moldus”, which was the translation of “muggle” in the French version of the books? Using it would’ve made more sense to me than using a translation of the American term. My French Canadian heart is sad, now :(

Someone who was ACTUALLY THIS SCARED of Donald Trump would find a way in a 51/49 senate to fuck his, and by extension his enabling party’s, bizness up. That Flake is unwilling to do this in any meaningful way means that he is just grandstanding for future historians. Thanks alot buddy, but America could use your help,

Please write an article as opposed to just posting a video. I know I took the time to write this and not watch said video, but that’s how much this type of post irks me. And no, I didn’t watch the video.

I played a dead body in a short a few years back. I had been dead for several weeks, so I was pretty gross. After the shoot, my ex-wife and I stopped at a take-n-bake pizza place. I stayed in the car, slumped and motionless while they made the pizza, staring out the window at me.