
I know that I should feel bad about this, but I’m having trouble mustering it up. I’m a terrible person.

still more likely to be killed by a white man with a gun than a islamic terrorist in a truck.

And we’re trying to cure Alzheimer’s, the hell is your point?

Nah, not really. It’s an amen that some filthy, multi-time losers use as a battle cry.

Lived here all my four decades, and I recognize “America” less-and-less every day.

Disney needs to make a tween Princess Leia movie before Millie Bobby Brown is too old to play the part:

The 11.4 million figure relates only to the 3,000 ads purchased by the Internet Research Agency. The 127 million figure refers to views of organic posts (i.e., not ads) made by Facebook pages controlled by the Agency.


White guy with a gun in a hotel shooting nearly 600 people = *CRICKETS*

I’ve had a hard time with Whoopi Goldberg since she came forward as such a staunch defender of Bill Cosby.

You get a special gold star in geography!

Check back in 2018, when non-whites are no longer allowed inside the Capitol.

Nice island you’ve got here. It would be a shame if something...happened to it.

You’re misplacing your blame. Those tires were fine for 45mph. They couldn’t hack it at 90mph on a road designed for 45.

Fuck off. Ivanka is slime, just like her greasy orange daddy who taught her every trick in his grifting tool chest. If you want to believe in the ridiculous myth she’s always cooing about go right the fuck ahead, as there’s a sucker born every minute, but don’t tell me what to think about that piece of shit or her

Daddy’s little fraud, she’s as fake as daddy’s ridiculous make-believe bio is. She is not a “businesswoman”, her daddy gave her a “company” to play with. She was never a “model”, her daddy pulled strings to help her pretend she was. She is not “poised” or “moderate”, she is actually contrived and artificial, nothing

I am half convinced that those tiny square purses she carries are battery packs and she will live forever.