
I reasonably convinced that at this point Trump could tweet out “Everyone who voted for me is a fucking moron” followed by “There is no god and religious people are retards” followed by “I’m going to ban owning guns and you can’t stop me” followed by “ha ha I’m fucking you all so hard and you still love me you

According to her spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham,“Mrs. Trump is independent and acts independently from her husband.”

Based on the rest of the article, apparently with a B-52.

No they won’t. Crypto currencies will only catch on when a government backs them, and that won’t happen for decades.

Nurse I’m gonna need some bactine and a Snoopy bandaid I just cut myself on this immense edge.

Technically Americans - a new subjugated class of citizens we choose to care less about because most of them look different and speak a different language. See also: Brown People.

And all other christians need to apologize for them and condemn their actions.

You were assaulted, period. Whether or not another received worse doesnt negate what happened to you. Dont let anyone try and diminish the impact that it has had on your life. Do try and find someone to talk to about this and how it has changed you. Very sorry.

They are when they do something wrong.

You folks out they who want to make movie reviews take note of this one.

As a white male I can confirm that ALL white people think they are Native American somehow

The attack occurred in Niger, not Nigeria.

Off topic, but Capaldi will be missed. That man knows how to fucking monologue.

You motherfucker.

To disprove these terrible fake news stories about Trump abandoning Puerto Rico, the White House released the following image that proves the country has received plenty of resources and has been rebuilt better than ever.

Lol animals are the worst, they will fuck with you, no joke.

Do you remember the story about how the kid was writing a paper with headphones on and there was writing all over the house that said “LOOK AT ME”? It still haunts me and that was I think like 3 years ago.

YES. THIS IS MY FAVORITE POST OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What. The. Fuck.

“This fucking guy” pretty much sums up my feelings for 2017.