
I feel old now.

This reminds me of a slideshow I watched many years ago, by a gentleman who had been in Moscow on some kind of business. He had a “handler” that the government supplied to keep tabs on him. There was one picture that he took of a shuttered power plant, and he described the moment when he was there, and the handler had

But I think the chief reacted to a lot of public pressure and scrutiny in making a decision that doesn’t fit the conduct.”

Another issue. In a merge a-holes will just keep cutting off self-driving cars because they won’t be programmed to block, but to avoid. So the lane will essentially stop as the autonomous vehicle remains motionless and is cut off repeatedly by the never-ending stream of me-first entitlementbois.

No, no, it was a Nazi extermination camp. Adolph and his boys, Nazi’s all, thought up the whole thing and carried it out because THEY WERE NAZIS. The came to power on a “Make Germany Great Again” platform.

We grow our mass killers right here at home. Gosh, aren’t we just doing so many things right!

I bet all those motherfucker agents LOVE when a pretty girl comes through and they go through her pictures and private messages.

I’m a European that has travelled to the US multiple times in the past. I love New York. My wife and I had our honeymoon in the US, even our wedding photo’s were taken in New York.

It was awesome up until I saw the lion in the flames lol. That’s tacky. It ruins it for me. :<

She’s a dumb cunt. Whatever opprobrium that is stacked on her is well deserved. May she live her inevitable divorcee years in shame and squalor.

Not only is this an embarrassment for US, this is a huge drain on resources earmarked for countries that genuinely can’t respond because they don’t have the infrastructure, skills or leadership. I work for Oxfam, based in a developing country, and although everyone agrees we must step in, the mood is one of collective

“now’s not the time”

This is going to be a rather worthless comment because this article is so exhausting to me that it’s too much to write a goddamn book about all of the concepts that are randomly (and wrongly) defined without any discussion of how these issues have actually been addressed at length under international law, such as what

You forgot to mention the fact that EVERYONE in Spain should be voting on this, not just the people who want independence. Otherwise you end up with Petoria.

Good Lord. I just watched this, and boy does that guy have a tremendous vision. I look forward to them pulling this off.

The president usually travels via air force one. Cabinet members don’t usually travel via private planes.

“On Patty Mills’s decision to resign with the Spurs because of the team’s culture”

The “not racist” country wants these guys to stop, but when it comes to Nazi’s hey man 1st Amendment!

That is really, really fucked up that they gave her the real thing without telling her/asking for permission.