
Two things to consider:

How is it possible that this motherfucker has THE WORST possible taste with everything. Literally everything. He’s a fucking caricature.

Extra gravy and more ice cream. That’s how he keeps his waistline so svelte!

i thought Trump was the Russian listening device.

1.) CNN was reporting last night that nobody in the administration expected the political blowback that occurred 0.4 seconds after the country found out about Comey’s firing. HOW? Did they honestly think that we’d all go, “Oh. Yes. Trump is clearly firing him because he was mean to Hilz. Makes sense to me.” Nobody in

I, for one, am just glad we still have the CIA to defend our interests in democratic institutions and ideals at home and abroad.

Wait. Peeling an avocado? What?

Give me Bayonetta 2 please....

It is also worth noting that Lavrov is named in the Russian dossier the FBI is (was?) investigating, as someone who was actively involved :) Page 28.

It’s depressing that we actually came to a time where they need to announce that “no microtransactions (RE7)“ is a feature and “playable offline”isn’t something that’s just expected in every non-MMO video game.

I asked her if she could just tell us where she was likely to drop an f-bomb, and she said

Avasarala is absolutely the high point of that show!!

She utterly destroyed Ted Cruz, which was satisfying to watch. Evidently Harvard Law and Princeton can’t teach their students common sense.

Eh, the problem is, if this passes (which is only slightly possible) - it will make health insurance *appear* cheaper for a lot of people, at least for a while. That’s how this game works.

I don’t know, I feel like we keep saying that about various Republicans and it keeps not being true.

Actually, we’re talking about Congress. And a majority of people voted for the Republicans in the House...

I feel sorry for the american people. But you voted for those crooks.

🎶 Just another dick and a wall 🎶