
No, you do not.

I suppose “freaking pissy” is one way to describe how one would act when one of your main business partners walks away right after your company had some lean years and was on the brink of dissolving, and did so in a way that was akin to flipping everyone the bird, shitting on the floor, and yelling “you’re nothing

Wow! Great see another Kotaku reader from my state!
We should hang out.


Okay, I’m not American, so please explain to me: why is this man still in post, rather than being done for perjury? For all its flaws, the UK would have had him on the carpet by now. Where is your rule of law?

I love when developers scream that there’s no market in PC games for them when all they do is release shoddy ports of unoptimized garbage that no one wants to pay for.

Yeah, so employees and their families should dress as befits the standards of the company for whom they are employed, which is also paying for them to fly? QUEL SUPRISE!!!!

When my sister worked for United, we all had and followed the dress code for people getting basically free flights. And often, she and her kids would end up in first class. I really don’t see anything wrong with this policy. The passengers using the pass should have been aware of it too and dressed appropriately.

This needs to be the top comment. My father’s a United pilot and has said they can refuse me if I wear jeans... this isn’t an uncommon thing.

Nah, if you are flying with passes you basically have to wear business casual. They will refuse you if you are wearing jeans, let alone leggings.

They’re traveling for free on a employee pass... There’s different standards when you get it free from the an employee (which then you do represent the company even if you don’t know it) rather than when you paid for your seat.

“Just then, you’re ambushed by a George Soros!”

and now this.

I was so happy when I saw this. Let us hope France also has a moment of clarity.

This is somewhat related, and extremely important.

That seems like the best worst advertisement for Rasperry Pi’s I’ve read. “It’s going to be a PITA, but at least it will work sometimes.”

Why do these bozos keep interviewing her? She’s never given any useful information in a single interview she’s done. The point of interviews is to help inform viewers, and all she does is obfuscate and misdirect. Other than for ratings, there is literally no reason to talk to Conway. Stop giving this sell-out asshole

The Prince ep should go down as one of the best in the series, no question. Did you ever read Liz Meriwether’s background story on Vulture about how he came to the show? She posted it after he died; it’s a wonderful story, I’ll look for it and add here ...

It may be upside down, but it looks rightside up to Spicer when he stares down his nose at it.