
Yeah snowflake, you Trump voters are really known for your penchant for being quiet and restrained on the internet.

Pretty bold move biting Michaelangelo’s Pieta and casting Tony as Christ.

I thought we were past the ridiculous and totally unprovable claims that someone else could have beaten Trump.

Love you, HamNo, but my only response to this is: No fucking shit. The warnings were around for months and months and months, but the DNC still nominated the only candidate who could possibly make Trump seem palatable. (“She still won the popular vote!” BFD. The Boston Red Sox had the best batting average in the

This needs to be starred like 500 times.

I have a degree in cinema studies.

Look up Hamish and Andy Bullet Ant. Peterson was given one sting by one ant. Bullet ants can sting multiple times, and the gauntlets hold dozens of them.

If Ridley Scott and John Carpenter opened a sushi bar...

Let off the hook? They rode that investigation into the fucking ground trying to get her on something and they couldn’t.

Wikileaks is run by a man accused of rape with multiple reported connections to Putin’s administration.

It’s faaaaake.

In the spirit of equality... WHEN WILL THE CULTURE APPROPRIATION END!1

Well, it’s good Advent Children cosplay, but it doesn’t look anything like this:

Me. I noted it up there ^.

I have to say, as much as I’m not a huge Matt Damon on diversity fan, I trust Zhang Yimou on this one.

I will watch terrible things, and I have done so many, many times for Max Martini.

First, Dr. Nerdlove, I love you. I’m sure I’m not alone here.

Second, to the ED part, I think every guy thinks it will never happen to them, then it happens to every guy (eventually, anyway).

Are you a studio executive? You sound like a studio executive.

Thank you so much. I’m part Berber (that is: from North Africa) and we are in no way connected to the Gulf (nor is my family on that side even Muslim). The video is reprehensible (hearing the woman say ضرب with such sang-froid was chilling), and yet (and I know that chritter means super-well) Morocco is about as

Oh please.