
Listen, I’m 100% with you on gun control and how this guy is a POS but you need to learn something about guns. Real life is not a movie. There is no such thing as shooting someone’s knee or leg. When one fires a gun, they shoot for center mass. The point is that it is the widest area, least likely to miss, and the

Charleston Police Department Chief of Detectives Lt. Steve Cooper: “

Wait I’m confused. I read this as Means (the victim) was the one that crossed the street toward Pulliam (the shooter). I’m also reading this as BOTH men were armed and acting aggressive.

This is fucking tragic and Pulliam is clearly a POS so please don’t read this as me excusing shooting ANYBODY but let’s at least get

No, totally serious. Orthodox Jews are definitely best known for their willingness to bend on the whole Israel thing.

According to many Orthodox Jews, there is no conflict between Israel and Palestine because there is no such thing as Palestine.

Makes sense. Orthodox Jews are notorious for wanting a conflict free compromise between Israelis and Palestinians protecting the rights of both peoples.

Donald’s chutzpah around Hillary Clinton is fucking astounding. She’s “suffered greatly in many different ways”? Ways that he caused!

Yeah, and in an ideal world, people would only use voice chat for critical commands. But they don’t and instead play music or complain about how somebody playing the game for the first time isn’t magically perfect or how they’re carrying the team so I’d rather they all shut up.

My 9 year-old son likes to play with his food as well.


^^Can’t tell if real or sarcasm.

Where were the Congressional investigations on this? We wasted millions in tax payer dollars on Benghazi and emailz, but will this get the same attention? This seems a hell of a lot more disturbing.

Vapid and Stockholmed.

I never understood why you would sleep with your phone in your bed. What other items plugged into the wall (aside from electric blanket) do people usually keep in their bed? Seems like things plugged into the wall should not be in bed while you are sleeping.

Trump will appoint Don Jr., who will serve as SEC chair while simultaneously acting as CEO of Trump International. Trump International will end up being the most profitable corporation on Earth. Dems will scream about conflict. The Republicans will turn it into a screaming match about ISIS. Nothing will be done. Louis

Germany is pretty much the only country that doesn’t whitewash its history, and makes damn sure children are raised learning everything about its past mistakes so they won’t make them again. Virtually no other country does that.

Of people who voted.

remove CA and NY’s money and the red states are deep deep doo doo financially...go look up which states take more federal money than they return in taxes. It’s a who’s who of deep ‘fiscally conservative’ states.

And remove the 4.5 million voter advantage from New York and California and Trump won the rest of the country overwhelmingly.

My personal protocol is to wait a bit to see if it is going to be good, or just beautiful.