
Great! One more thing I can’t bring on an airplane.

Vaping worked for me. 20 years and it is what finally did it.


i cannot tell you how many people I pass on the street who don’t cover their mouths AT ALL! I give them nasty looks and cover my mouth, but they don’t care. they look at me like i am the weirdo. Parents - why are you not raising your children correctly???

I don’t know how these jackholes can even look in the mirror and be sure they aren’t one of Obama’s MKULTRA programmed sleeper agents. It must be exhausting being both that paranoid and that stupid.

Let’s make sure people can see and understand what half-assed false equivalence looks like. :)

For better or worse, that is proper terminology that’s in use by many medical professionals and first responders. It sounds gruesome, but I’ll wager that it’s less awful than if they describe the actual injuries that these unfortunate folks suffered.

Its the official terminology from Queensland Ambulance. It basically means that they sustained such significant injuries where that “it would be appropriate to withhold the commencement of CPR”. The exact phrase used in the article came from a press conference from the Ambulance Service, and references why all 4 died

Replacement is a great theory until you get into the devastating economics of such an aging, shrinking population.

That’s a very good point. So how did humans deal with those conditions back then?

Only, our species didn’t evolve to survive in the conditions of the mesozoic; we evolved to survive in the conditions of the holocene. A study of humans exposed in 2.5 hour sessions demonstrated significant effects on cognitive abilities at concentrations as low as 1000ppm CO2.  Another study observed a decline in

I can’t believe people still push articles like this after Apple’s tried and true track record of bricking peoples devices with every major update. iOS8 to iOS 9 killed a bunch of devices, same with iOS9 to iOS10..

Or maybe wait an hour or 2.

He blocked me when I replied “Bet you’re going to celebrate with a bunch of cocaine”

She fucking killed that debate and I am drunk and a nasty woman and also i love bad hombres and fuck him and i ate a burrito and several cookies and maybe like a whole bottle of whine or wine or shit or omg i need to go to bed even on the west coast i am a mess omg i hate trump o hope he dies ifn a fire

Yes I thought that she looked beautiful and powerful at the same time. Not an easy feat. I’m thinking that she was channeling Olivia Pope.

I’ll just casually drop this here.

I hate this man so much.

So do you not feel that posting this video here....just promotes more idiots like this to go out and do this because you gave them fame for doing dumb shit.

With the exception of his first couple of movies his poor directorial track record since doesn’t give me much hope for this movie.