
Back when my wife and I were still a young-ish couple and we lived in Paris, we lamented the fact that we didn’t really live the whole Parisian life. We occasionally went to the theater or opera or museum but we should have been going every weekend at least, god damnit! So on one random summer weekday evening we

Minor correction: it’s Raoult.

Don’t be disingenuous. First, if you’re not that hungry you can just get a starter or *gasp* politely ask for a half-serving. Or you could share with someone else. Second, this isn’t like “oh there’s 3 peas left, that’ll be 18 bazillion dollars” or the restaurant is going to run out of customers fast. C’mon man, it’s

Can’t say I’ve seen many, but this is one.

Bad take. You haven’t seen the orders some people can make in Asia. It’s plates, and plates, and plates, and they only eat half of it and it’s disgusting. There used to be a restaurant where I lived that charged you by the pound for leftovers that you didn’t or couldn’t take away with you, and guess what? People

It’s terribly ironic to me that some people are still dunking on China for releasing the virus or whatever. Like guys, look around you - this might have been a “Chinese virus” for maybe all of two weeks, but now it’s quite decidedly a western virus only, because all of Asia got its shit together months ago and [checks

That journalist needs to write Dr. Nerdlove.

Agreed on everything - though minor nitpick, strokes are inexplicably counted separately from heart disease already.

I mean it’s been above a 9/11 amount of deaths every day for a while now, and I seem to remember 9/11 was also a pretty big deal. Covid is now #3 in the leading causes of death in the US for the year (compare with this table) just behind heart disease and cancer, and in front of all accidents together, all other

I don’t even get the initial premise. Like, you get a PhD, you can call yourself a Doctor - that’s how it works and always has. You’re elected to Congress, you’re the Honorable. Why even challenge this? Baffling.

Agree on all points, and also I loved RPS so thank you for co-starting it.

Indirectly though, stock price does affect a company. For instance, a company that needs a short-term lifeline might be denied a loan because the stock price tanked, and end up in bankruptcy when they could have steered back on course otherwise.

Most of these games came out after my period of infinite free time ended (I think I completed every JRPG that came out when I was between the ages of 16 and 20 or so, plus a backlog going back to FF5), but I do want to say this: Xenogears is probably the most important game of my life. For all its faults and stunted

Did you read the part about excruciating agony though?

That’s cause the LAMESTREAM MEDIA is SUPPRESSING INFORMATION they don’t want you to know! Covid is a hoax!

He doesn’t have an illness. Racists aren’t ill, they’re just fucking assholes. He’s just one that was enabled and empowered more than others.

And don’t get them started on Obama’s handling of Covid!!

Damn. Thanks for the response!

“Could this be why we’ve been seeing such a major spike?” a Twitter user asked Musk

Just like last time, it’d have no chance to get through the Senate.