
Oh man - I bought a Pi 4B in May and this is exactly what I wanted... Is it possible to buy just the housing and put my 4B in it?

No, she’s already married to that guy.

“aeronautical grade scratch protection”

That review took a surprisingly dark turn at the end and I’m here for it!

He’s not educated enough to make a reference like this.

So basically, Biden & Congress won’t be able to get any laws passed or any appointment confirmed, and if Dems lose Congress in 2022 both Biden and Harris might be impeached just out of spite?

Exactly. It was supposed to be landslide. Dems were supposed to reclaim the Senate. Things were supposed to change. Instead if we’re lucky we’ll get Biden edge out Trump in the wee hours of November 12 or so, then months of fruitless (again, assuming we’re lucky) legal battles. By the time Biden gets sworn in,

this race was giving me hope because it was allegedly so close.

I’m French and this election is all anyone has been talking about today in the office (or the virtual Skype corridors that pass for an office these confined days).

Reader, how do you flaunt your opulent wealth within the four walls of your own home?

“If this particular judge does nullify these votes, will I be allowed to vote on Tuesday? Am I not allowed to vote at all now? Does my vote not count at all?”

It’s infuriating to see everyone left and right shit on Macron constantly even though he’s doing a competent job, considering his mandate has been nothing but an avalanche of crises one after the other (and often, one at the same time as the other). Is he doing a totally perfect job? Eh, probably not. But he’s doing

I’m sorry, you’re right. I mean, I still think Trump and his kin have done immense, structural damage to the American democracy that no single administration can possibly hope to undo in just 4 years. Sure, it’s a census year, but a) if you have to resort to the same fuckery as the GOP to fix things that kind of tells

This is what too many people simply fail to understand about the US. It doesn’t matter if you have a Democrat President, Congress and Senate. Any Republican chump will challenge any law he doesn’t like in a sympathetic court - and the GOP has made sure that there are plenty of those now - and let it make it’s way up

Good lord, a reasonable opinion! I don’t know what to do with this.

In turn, that vagueness protects his Hollywood interests, removing the risk of alienating prospective viewers and fans entirely.

Good on you, but just so people know, this shit is not normal for a functioning democracy. It takes me all of 5 minutes to vote in person at any election. If I can’t make it, I can give someone a power of attorney to vote on my behalf - that takes, like, 30 minutes to file any time before the election.

AOC began her stream by saying she was “super nervous,” but quickly found her rhythm, laughing and joking with everybody else. After Omar had some technical issues, the group began playing Among Us.

Plot twist: that’s actually Ted Cruz’s account.

Well Rush, have a healthy serving of thoughts along with a side of prayers! It’s on me.