
Alternate title: “Asked about masks, Atlas shrugged.”

Fuji doesn’t do µ4/3, the X-T4 (like all other X-series) is APS-C.

But is he still drinking a quart of bleach every morning though?

How interesting that supposedly ironclad convictions can disappear in a moment of mortal crisis.

“I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business,” the President of the United States threatened tweeted.

I’m completely on board with that. In fact, if he really wants to convince me of his strength, he should also swim across the Hudson buck naked.

Go on 2020, you still have a chance to salvage this. You know what to do.

Let’s all take a moment to remember that cutscene well into the game where Vaan admits that even he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing here.

I never had a flu shot. The other shots yes, absolutely, but flu... nah. Never felt serious enough, you know?

Also: FB’s valuation would drop to zero, Zuck would lose about 98% of his net wealth (leaving him with a healthy 2-3 billion so let’s not cry too much) and the 85% of shareholders who aren’t Zuck would launch the biggest lawsuit you’ve ever seen because they’ll want their $610 billion back. 52,000 people would lose

“has decided to play politics during election year.”

I’ll be shopping for a laptop / 2-in-1 this Christmas season. I need as much portability as I can get (14-inch max and as light as possible) cause I’ll be taking it to work every day, but this will likely replace my home desktop in the medium term so it needs to have some oomph. In addition to all the light stuff you

I read the first lines of your comment and was like “all right, here comes Justice McJudgey”, but I have to admit you completely turned me around with your additional info - so thank you for doing it. Wish you hadn’t needed to. *glances at author*

Unpopular opinion: the outrage over this movie is naïve. Look, we’ve all been clamoring for years for Hollywood to stop whitewashing movies. So they made a movie about China, and filmed it in China with Chinese actors. And now people are all pissed off that the credits thank the Chinese government - yes, including in

Your last point is the one that should be stapled to every denier’s forehead until they stop arguing. There are 200,000 more dead people than there are normally, which is way more than some statistical fluke. Three guesses as to what got them, bubba. *clicks stapler menacingly*

Holy shit, I just realized that I’ve seen Real Steel in a theater when it came out, and I don’t remember a single thing about that movie. Not a scene, not a still, nada.

That makes about as much sense as if I intentionally littered because I know it’s someone’s job to clean up the streets. “I’m a job creator, ya hear?” *upends garbage bag on the curb*

C’mon guys. Less testing, less dead people. It’s just basic math!

Noted mask skeptic and Texas congressman Louie Gohmert is “all in” for taking hydroxychloroquine to treat his recently diagnosed covid-19.