
Thanks, never heard of it until now! Shame there’s no portable option, life happened and my Steam account has been collecting dust for years now :/. Will still wishlist it though!

There’s a remake of EV Override that just got funded on Kickstarter (2-man team, formerly invoved in the original EV Override) but, well, Kickstarter...

Man I just want someone to port Escape Velocity to mobile :(.


39 years old

I think they retroactively confirmed a case in France in December of last year, so it definitely left China before January.

I read this as today’s entry in “our lawyers told us to write...”.

Or: Rinse the rice then put in a pot. Add 2 volumes water for 1 volume of rice (as your portions of rice get bigger you’ll want less water - you get the hang of it after a while). Cover, turn up the heat to the max; once boiling, reduce to an enthusiastic simmer. When all the water is gone, eat.

I love that he tried to pull that transparent non-excuse BS on AOC. She’s literally the least likely to stand for that shit. When I saw it I just waited for the fireworks, and boy did she deliver.

In France - which was about 75% nuclear and now down to like 60% I think - the entire stock of spent fuel since the the start of the program fits inside a large swimming pool. There’s about 3,600 m3 of it. Carbon is a today problem; spent fuel is very much a tomorrow one. I get that there are risks involved in every

Ironically that’s exactly what they say about the rest of us.

Yes, but HE just tells it like it is, free from the shackles of the PC-police! A down to earth straight-talker, yessir.

“Get me 1,954 miles of this stuff, send the invoice to Mexico” - Trump, 2020

I’ve read the whole thing and the answer still isn’t clear to me.

Oh, here’s another: in sixth grade, I was fooling around with the asymmetric bars in gym class (I think that’s what they’re called? parallel bars where one is higher than the other). A popular move was ’the bell,’ where you hooked your knees over the lower bar, hung on to the higher one, and then let go. If you timed

I once fell onto the sand and impaled my wrist on a large piece of broken glass. Amusingly, I was four and that was the sandbox from my kindergarten playground, so why there was broken glass just below the surface is anyone’s guess. The school nurse, when alerted to my enthusiastic bleeding, declared I didn’t need

I mean if they didn’t want kids to burn themselves with it, why would they place them so conveniently within reach of the back seat?

I too got an uncontrollable urge to buy computer thingies during the Great Confinement, and I gave in... to a brand new $35 Raspberry Pi 4, and about twice that much in assorted accessories.

Can we talk about how it’s fucking Fox News that aired an interview where the interviewer was a) actively pushing back against Trump and his drivel, and b) cutting to insert segments proving that he and his guys were bullshitting?