
“creates legal uncertainty for the thousands of large and small companies on both sides of the Atlantic”

The whole thing about wanting to record a song with her reminds me of people wanting to pay with ‘exposure’ and ‘credit’ (like influencers with hotels, or famous artists with photographers).

100 years ago, both of your examples would have bought them a nice beating. Which would either have dissuaded them pre-emptively, or possibly taught them a lesson for the next time. Unfortunately, today’s trolls are neither dissuaded nor learning.

It took me one copypaste of your comment into Google to find the story you reference, and I find it baffling that the articles would all call the cosplayer by name, but still shield the perp with his online handle.

Going to TikTok to ask “Is TikTok dead?” seems about as smart as typing “is Google down” in Google.

Yeah, that’s how it was for us up to a couple weeks ago as well, but they relaxed it a bit since then.

“In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS,” President Trump tweeted on Tuesday.

Yeah, I’ve had to field multiple calls with my almost 2 year-old on my lap, trying to distract her with crayons or whatever, but when the call lasts an hour you can see how this’ll end up. My colleagues so far have all had a good laugh about this - when they’re not doing the same.

This was clearly a moment where I lost control

So this is how he does it. I was always curious about where he got the sheer cash for his stunts.

As a person who had a hand in implementing sexual harassment policies and training professionally: this behavior is intolerable and those policies are genuinely designed to protect you from this shit.

I guess we’ll be able to talk more when you hit the 2010s, but my wife and I have been rewatching the entire MCU from Iron Man and up (I only vetoed Edward Norton Hulk) and one thing that really struck me in a post-Endgame world is how early they were laying out the foundations of, well, Endgame. Like in early phase

I hope she can finally shed some light on how she got these gigantic crowds to attend the inauguration!

Maybe she adopted those lobsters, but then realized she couldn’t give them the care they needed and decided to send them on to their forever home in the ocean.

CDC currently has the number of unexplained excess deaths since 1st of Feb at between 20,000 and 49,000, so this study doesn’t seem unrealistic.

I’m not arguing with you here. Shutting down was 100% the good call. It’s just not pain that’ll be “measured in weeks”. Still beats being dead.

Yes, all those minimum-wage people who can’t afford to lose their income if they don’t want to end up homeless - why don’t they just stay home if they’re so worried? Another mystery of the universe that we’ll just never figure out.

Okay, in fairness it’s not “hurt the economy for a short period of time” in either scenario. I’m from a country that shut down completely for like 2 months, and the hit is going to be between severe and catastrophic. The number of small businesses that flatlined still isn’t known for certain, public debt skyrocketed

Even more loosely related: the only thing I know about West Virginia is this.