
Imagine if your job was just to sit around striking as unconstitutional laws that you had already ruled unconstitutional last week.

So everyone in the movie is named ‘Ericksson’ or ‘Ericksdottir’? What, is every adult male called Erick?

I mean I believe that in Iceland people still take on their father’s names as surnames, so Ericksson is literally the son of a guy called Erick, and Ericksdottir is literally the daughter of a guy also named Erick. I can see how one might wonder if they are siblings, regardless of the fact that Iceland is a very small

Tomorrow the EU should officially announce the first countries it’s reopening borders with. That list will leave out certain shitholes where the virus is completely out of control like Russia, Brazil and the US. I look forward to that tweetstorm.

Bet by tomorrow there’ll be a sharpie sign above the statue with an arrow pointing down, reading “Teddy Rooseveltfefe”

real estate investor

Um excuse me you forgot Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Let me speak with your manager.

I grew up with tales of America. My father lived through WW2 and instilled in me from the youngest age this version of America that crossed two oceans to save the world at the cost of her own. Later I realized that the US had its own interests to protect, but still I felt that the world owed America for, well,

I legit had a one-man party when my daycare opened again. I love my 2 year-old to bits but it’s impossible for my wife and I to work while looking after her and while my boss is a good guy, the stress of not meeting any work-related expectation (because I was effectively working part-time) was getting to me.

But we all agree Korn’s cover is the superior version, yeah?

There’s a 42 year-old woman in there and I literally can’t tell which it is.

I don’t get it. Could he perhaps not be a doctor?

“Artificially induced?”

So if they donate, they should have used their platform to be more vocal. If they speak, they should put their money where their mouth is. This seems fair.

Diet Trump wants to do what Trump did. News at 11.

I’m not sure I get it. Does a mortgage payment go in housing (because duh) or in savings (because after all, you’ve just paid for a chunk of a house). Or do you split capital and interests?

“But this time, everything’s gonna change.”

This is America, where the police are here to help you.

The IEEPA does not include the authority to regulate or prohibit, directly or indirectly—(1) any postal, telegraphic, telephonic, or other personal communication, which does not involve a transfer of anything of value;” (50 USC §1902(b)) so good luck with that, Ted. I’m not sure the other two texts the executive

Can I add that in spite of everything there is a darker side to Singapore. Live-in maids are common and they’re largely treated like dirt, construction workers are pushed away to some out-of-sight ghetto, etc. A million worker bees hidden away, living in unenviable conditions.