
And as a result, you don’t see gum on the ground (banning imports, heavy fines for littering) or graffiti, and they’ve had less than 200 deaths in the past 30 years related to opioid usage (which is responsible for 585,000 premature deaths worldwide every year, for scale).

“If you are in a risky population here, and you are taking this as a preventative treatment ... it will kill you. I cannot stress enough. This will kill you.”

If suing over something being too similar was a thing, Gameloft would have gone out of business years ago. That was basically their business model in earlier years.

It’s funny how everyone keeps dunking on Facebook and other social media giants, but anytime anyone does something about them people start moaning about how Big Evil Guberments are trying to stifle free speech. Like during the Christchurch massacre, people everywhere were outraged that a full week later replays of the

My upstairs neighbor flooded me eight times in three years. I do mean flooded. Once he filled my suspended ceiling with water until it basically crashed down on the electrician trying to figure out why my power kept shorting (case solved!). Once I came back from work only to find 2 inches of water covering the floor of

A couple weeks ago I watched that recent Grey’s Anatomy episode that used Ingrid Michaelson’s Turn to Stone at the end. I looked up the song on Youtube, and one of the suggestions was an early season of So You Think You Can Dance where a couple had an amazing choreography for that song. One of the suggestions for that

I’m late and grey and Kinja is all broken now and with the Great Herbing I don’t even know if anyone still reads any of these, but here goes.

Having an American passport is “appropriate screening”?

It would be quite stupid to hoard guns. This is why I hoard ammunition!

And if there are any lessons to be learned from the rest of the world, it’s that hospitals in the U.S. are going to be overwhelmed with patients soon.

It’s actually every Wednesday and Friday now, and once a month on Saturdays (source).

Love the Mona Lisa because it draws all the crowds around like a tiny painted black hole. I skip it every time - you can buy the postcard in the gift shop and it’ll be pretty much actual size.

So just because one person has been taught how to do something properly, and does it responsibly, means everyone should be able to do the same unchecked?

This whole controversy is such gigantic BS. The guy didn’t compare Bernie to Hitler ffs, he said his campaign and his rise to front-runner status took everyone by surprise and was a done deal by the time everyone realized what was happening.

Dems trying to overturn a democrat election and will you, honest working voter let that happen?

Upgraded a couple months ago from a 7 to an XR and man, life’s good. 6.1 tbh is a bit large for me (thank god for the keyboard option that sort of fits it on the right side) but other than that, happy camper.


“[Royals] generate and rely on publicity about themselves and their lives in order to maintain the privileged positions they hold and to promote themselves.”

And while LAT is a practice primarily reserved for the wealthy, the idea of carving one’s own space within a marriage is broadly appealing even to non-famous people. Dual master bedrooms are one of the most commonly asked for features in homes being built today

We don’t, but our VAT is 20%, which is much higher than anything in the US.