
Muddy the waters enough with nonsensical crap and newsflow fatigue will take care of the American opinion. Standard GOP tactic by now.

He thinks it makes him sounds statesmanlike.

Yeah. Keep Doing the Same Shit People Already Hate Them For turned up to 11 is basically what got Trump in the office.

Re: the Sentosa advice. Is that still current, the bit about swimming with dolphins? Last time I went to Spore I was really disappointed to see that theyd turned Sentosa into a casino, of all things. I remembered it as an awesome adventure park/nature reserve.

So we went from it never happened to it happened but it was my doppelgänger? Great job guys, super convincing line of defense.

Oh shush, he said hed done a lot of self-reflection, what more do you want?

I mean its great that whatshisface personally questioned Kavanaugh under penalty of whatever,if he lies, but how does he expect to spot a lie if he doesn’t investigate any claim?

The GOP is already sucking it, might as well measure it too.

No but duuuude: she only has a part-time maid in her entire $58,000/mo home, how else is she supposed to close the curtains fast enough?

Breaking an actual glass ceiling is presumably out of the BBC’s budget in a Brexit-impending Year of Our Lord 2018

I dont get it. The right to be forgotten already applies worldwide if the subject is an EU citizen under GDPR. Google’s already lost this one.

Or maybe he was gonna let it go and be the bigger man, and then Musk just had to open his piehole again.

Exactly. Are you really telling me you cant find nine (much less ONE) currently serving judge who’s both excellent at legal stuff and also not an accused sexual offender? In the whole United States?

Ballistic Missile Strike; wouldn’t require a nationwide alert, only a regional one. Why do I need to know about an impending missile impact in Kentucky if I’m living in New Mexico?

Oh neat, a movie with my two favourite actresses named Emily!

* Checks sympathy meter. *

this one knows which side her bread is buttered on

Im not the anonymous source, but I could have been, says anonymous source.

In fairness, the bridge would have owned that truck even on a green light.