
Ive never been able to see American TV because there’s 10 minutes of ads every 5 minutes of programming :/.

Which book would that be?

Depends on the recession, but ‘mild’ is never a great word to describe the forces that cause a growing national economy to turn around and shrink, even for a short time. The post dot-com/9-11 recession was short and shallow, but nobody remembers it fondly and the harm experienced by a lot of people far outlasted the

You know the answer to that.

Youre going too fast for me. I still cant wrap my head around how Christian Evangelicals have been allied with the party of poor-people-can-die for the past... well, for as long as I can remember. We clearly haven’t read the same book.

In the event you’re actually trying to learn something and not just trolling, the Fed’s mission does include an inflation target. In part, inflation can be coaxed in either direction by adjusting interest rates, which is within the purview of the Fed.

The classes are free and last four hours

Given your fucked up healthcare system I’m surprised 60% of households are actually meeting all 4 of these basic needs.

Ill be happy to give Trump all the attention he deserves once he’s dead.

The Up-There Force.

Socialism isnt communism. Socialism and markets arent antithetical.

Or just take one quick look at this chart and ask yourself how literally everyone else has it figured out but the US:

So its a viral stunt for brand advertising purposes, except nobody knows which brand it is? Seems like a pretty shitty stunt to me then.

I love that there was this phase after Matrix where everyone loved to hate Keanu (cant act, single expression, etc); but now that some time has passed people start to appreciate that sure, maybe he’ll never win 5 Oscars, but he looks like a good guy and sometimes that’s enough - especially in a post-Weinstein world.

The F does that even mean?

All Trump had to do to win the election was to promise change to his voters, but Dems are still like whoa lets not get carried away, nobody wants change”. It sure seems to have worked for the other side, assholes!

I hate to be a Cassandra

It is notable that even the government does not allege that Congressman Collins traded a single share of Innate Therapeutics stock. We are confident he will be completely vindicated and exonerated.

Well hes buddies with Trump, so...