
I assume the 1% and 4% are in percentage of GDP contributed - but the 4% have to be the total US defense budget and not just direct contribution to NATO, so hes talking out of his ass again anyway. Besides, most of NATO funding is achieved by countries spending money on their own defense, so really all hes saying i

“being poor is regarded more as a moral failing”

Eh, weve all known for a week that hell nominate whoever seems the most odious to everyone else. At this point he could name Kim Jong-Il and I’d be like Whatever *shrug*.

Whats the historical rationale for pardons anyway? It seems like a flagrant breach of separation of powers, why was it even built into the system?

I saw the Last Jedi this weekend for the first time, and overall I think I enjoyed it more than TFA. Im miffed by a few things that I thought came out of left field, like Leia’s business in space (where the hell did that come from?), what Rey finds under the island (and wtf was that?) and what happens to Luke at the

Does that mean that about 2 weeks from now, the ICJ can drag leaders to the Hague and try them for the crime of agression?

I mean true, but that shouldnt keep people from just working down the list...

Oh, more thermometer-breaking. Everythings fine now!

My favourite part of Kinja is when an expert on some topic drops nuggets of knowledge!

My basement, is some ways, can be seen as a very large and immovable full-body hat.

The good thing about obvious dog-whistles is that I knew everything I need to know about Alan as soon as I read his bullshit about trigger warnings and safe spaces.

Ivanka does something right, regrets it immediately.

I dunno man, Australia did it in 6 months back in 1996.

His shtick is the same as the Onion that reposts the same article word for word for every shooting, because it highlights the complete absurdity of the same tragedy happening over and over and over while the powers that be do fuck all. But you, of course, think *he*s the problem.

If anything it has to be a wake-up call to a bunch of establishment Dems trying to do the same old centrist thing Dems have been doing for a while. Crowley has spent his entire career climbing the echelons of the DNC and knew he was going to be the next Pelosi in a handful of months - and got wrecked by a girl outta no

This will as usual get buried in the grays.

Wait for the Supreme Court to rush to overturn this somehow.

I beg of you, giant planet-killing asteroid, hurry up.

I shouldnt be surprised by the deplorables ability to blame Obama for every bad thing the GOP does, but there you go. Got me again.

Obama did the only thing he was supposed to do, which was to name a guy. GOP-controlled Congress, however, happily sat on its own dick for a year and explicitly declared that it wasn’t going to do its job until Obama was out, which is a gross abuse of institutions.