
“It’s not a ban,” said the racists.

“No Judges or Court Cases [...] Law and Order.

Yeah? So what changed between April and May that suddenly 2000 kids were ripped from their parents and interned? New law? Oh wait no, this one has been here for 20 years and never used like that on that scale. What happened is a cadre of hell-bound ghouls deciding that they could go all Lawful Evil and use kids as leve

I was going to walk away from this, but no.

I found this fascinating and seriously can’t wait for the next installment. Thanks for doing this.

Trumps private feelings about Muslims cant get much worse than his public feelings about them so Ill give you that one, but how are you aware of Macrons private feelings?

Uh, major difference there: the Swiss rules above are for naturalization, not just a visa or stay permit. Yeah, if you want to be naturalized in France you also have to have at least a passing understanding of the history (in very broad strokes) and current situation (as in “can you name a member of the government).

The Department of Child Labor, duh.

Were nearing the end of this BS though. The Mario & Sonic generation are 30-somethings now. In 20 years we’ll be the commentators and politicians, and we’re not scared of video games. Cognizant of the risk of excess gaming to the exclusion of any other activity - yes. Much like any other form of entertainment.

I mean, its all of us too. Look how quickly we were rooting for Serena, a terrible person, just because we got a whiff of her turning against Gilead. Now look how quickly we welcome former members of the Trump administration to #theResistance as soon as they get cut loose and promise a tell-all book.


If I have to choose between a car thief and a Nazi, I’ll help the car thief.

There’s a bit of context here: this was an official ceremony to celebrate de Gaulle’s call for an organised resistance during WW2. The ceremony was being held at a memorial to the Resistance, erected in a fortress that served as a Nazi prison and place of executions for resistants, hostages, communists and Jews. There

Good. Get the fuck out of everything, we don’t want you here anymore.

I like how they didn’t say “showered” cause that would be a little too on the nose.

The first thing that came to mind seeing the thumbnail with its low contrast, low saturation toning is that a zombie was about to jump through the window.

Most of the government and about 40% of the country.

‘Sensible’ isn’t the vibe I get when I look at the US today, but good job I guess?

Well you know she’ll make a few comments about actually hating every minute she was there, and everyone will praise her redemption and welcome her to the #Resistance, because we never learn anything.

But it’s football players who keep disrespecting the flag.