
“When you take over a country [...] from your father [...] that’s one in 10,000 that could do that.”

Didn’t Avenatti tease some HUGE REVEAL 2 weeks ago that never materialized?

Why’s all the shit aimed her way when she clearly has 2+ male racist friends egging her on?

I mean look on the bright side: at least we’ll know where these kids are! Would you rather a kid be lost, or imprisoned in a concentration camp?

Well yes, assuming you were born in the US.

By that logic the cities should just fine Domino’s for unauthorized roadworks and pad their limited resources that way. I’m sure that’ll go super great on a PR front.

Ok so you’re American because while both your parents were foreigners, your mom got naturalized some years back. Except they denaturalize her on some BS technicality, and now you have no US parent, which means you’re not American either. Neither are your kids, perhaps.

Sure, but America has signaled to the world that nothing it agrees to is permanent. Maybe the next president keeps America’s word - maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he’s an immature dick who pulls out of every agreement he didn’t sign himself. How does one enter into an agreement with another nation if you can’t trust that

I cannot tell you how much I look forward to this.


Alas, I stole this one from another Kinja commenter.

I’m not clear on why this summit even matters. The powderkeg isn’t NK lobbing missiles at the US, it’s NK shelling Seoul and things snowballing from there - and while Mango Unchained was busy doing his usual weathervane number, NK and SK had, what, two unscheduled meetings? Honestly it seems to me that the less the US

44% approval though... “They” is half the country at this point.

I stand corrected. I should have checked. Thanks for taking the time to respond!

Does this guy really have 2 minutes of promo in an 11-minute video?

Asked if he would apologize privately to Ms. Lewinsky today if she were in the room, Mr. Clinton replied, “If she were here now and I would speak to her, it wouldn’t be a private conversation.”

I’m curious: why the podcast format instead of a long-form article? Is that a strategic decision by higher-ups (‘let’s pivot to video’, they probably said two years ago) or an editorial decision due to length/complexity/etc.? If the latter, what makes this story different from past long-form investigations?

In a two-party system, ranked-choice is the jungle system, except with a built-in advantage to the most extremist party as illustrated above in Vigilance’s post.

Swedish Pubic Television