
Wow, it’s almost like the direct consequence of shitting all over the Iran deal is that Iran no longer feels bound by the deal.

Technically Rodman isn’t going to NK with Trump, he’s going to Singapore - so Trump isn’t lying!

All this serves to indicate is that maybe the executive branch shouldn’t have the power to just delete rulings of the judicial. I don’t get pardons - aren’t they exactly what separation of branches was all about fixing in the first place?

Suuuure, this time the GOP will stand up to Trump.

Can Germany just send him home? Not like countries do to send a harsh rebuke to other nations but just as a “we don’t like this one, send us another”?

Trump going full Oprah. “You get a pardon! And you get a pardon! And you back there get a pardon! Everyone gets a pardon!”

Well they tried single-payer, you know, in other countries. And much like communism, history shows us that it always fail— oh wait.

The witnesses preserved the texts and turned them over to the government.

What is lost if Trump ends these briefings? At this stage all she does is tell reporters the sky is red, and when someone points out it’s actually blue she insults them. It’s a travesty.

Alicia, this may be of interest. As you point out registered investment advisers are fiduciaries, while broker-dealers aren’t. In 2015 the Department of Labor declared that anyone providing advice to certain pension funds and retirement accounts had a fiduciary duty towards their clients, but that was overturned

The active vs passive voice is a really great point I’d never been able to frame like that, so thanks!

Exactly. Anyone with the thinnest sliver of good faith would agree that whatever the hoity-toity legal argument by $7,000/h suits, the system wasn’t designed to let a President pardon himself. If in doubt, read the Spirit of the Laws by Montesquieu - like the Founding Fathers did.

I mean I see how it could be seen like this, but it’s not like this is the bar to get citizenship. There’s still a regular process with paperwork and a few tests and a lot of waiting - it’s just that there’s also this “exceptional service” fast-track for people who did something that stood out. I understand it has

I believe the child has already been released to his father. It was a temporary thing while they investigated.

I asked the same question a few years ago on Jezebel and had to get a new kinja account as a result of the backlash.

Oh my god thank you. Obama did his 8 years. In 2016 he basically told you who to vote for, but noooo, you voted for the orange shitbag whose entire platform was about racism, xenophobia, obscurantism, millionaires becoming billionaires, and undoing everything Obama did.

Well that’d be sure not to piss off all the deplorables from Bumfuck, Nowhere.

One day I’ll tell my daughter that the US was the greatest nation on earth when I was her age, and she’ll look at me the same way I look at my dad when he tells me that Great Britain still controlled half the world when he was a kid.

Are you asking for regulatory advice on Kinja? :p

#9 was one of my favourite snacks when I was 8.