
They’re still much higher than, oh, anywhere else on Earth though.

Do Americans implode at the sight of mixed bathrooms? Where I live you occasionally have those, where there *gasp* isn’t a man/woman sign at all and people go into whichever stall isn’t occupied. Amazingly, we haven’t had a revolution in, oh, at least a few years in spite of this astounding example of moral

“... Is that a trick question?”

Joke’s on me, I misremembered: it was a bottle of 12-year Yamazaki.

I once had an unpaid bill with an ISP. You know the story: you cancel your contract and yet they keep sending you invoices.

Pretty sure America chose in November 2016.

I’ve always been very comfortable with the idea that if heaven is full of guys like this, I’ll happily take hell.

Guess I’ll go buy that bottle of Hibiki I saw last weekend at my local wine dealer then.

I’ve found from past experience that some people are just hopelessly slow on the uptake. The writing could be printed in size 720 bright red font on all the walls, and they’d still think they just need to ride it out. Now, I’m not necessarily harping on ex-CA employees here since a) by all accounts the blowup was very

Lighting on photo/video sets isn’t done just to increase light levels but to shape the light in the right way to create the right mood: directional light, harsh/soft shadows, etc. So I’d say lighting crews are still likely to have a job next year!

Oh, how interesting. Last year I read a French comic called Ces jours qui disparaissent (“The disappearing days”, if you will) by Timothé Le Boucher. It’s about a guy named Lubin. Lubin has a normal life, until one day he wakes up and he realizes he lost a day. So he lives his day and goes to sleep, and when he wakes

I see you’ve co-opted Trump’s “many people” thing, but many people think you should really rid yourself of this bad habit. Many people know it’s just a transparent way of pulling alternative facts out of your ass.

Having now seen her skit, I can see why people are all up in arms.

Does not being born yet count as a preexisting condition?

I think you have me confused with someone else.

Does alcohol count as self-care? Cause if so I’m right there with you.

Nah, truthfully I wouldn’t want him on a ticket. That was a joke. Having said that I do find it quite satisfying to see someone throwing the GOP’s playbook back at them in such a high-profile manner.

The IAAF this week issued new Eligibility Regulations for Female Classification (Athlete with Differences of Sexual Development) for events from 400m to the mile, including 400m, hurdles races, 800m, 1500m, one mile races and combined events over the same distances (‘Restricted Events’).

This might be technically true, but it’s also not making things better (evidence: the past 40 years). Anyone is free to shrug and tell someone his current situation is simply the result of bad choices and walk away. The whole thing about doctors, however, is that they’re supposed to try and make things better for

It feels like he’s the only guy since 2016 willing to and capable of beating the GOP at their own game. Avenatti 2020?