
Aren’t we tired of the old blah blah “soul searching”, “looking inwards”, “take a hard look at”, etc. bullshit? Shut up man, you’re an adult, you knew what you were doing and you knew it was wrong so quit pretending this is some kind of moment of discovery for you.

Well, I’m glad there weren’t any red flags or anything.

“THERE ARE ISSUES, MAN, OKAY? LIKE, ISSUES AND STUFF.” - Guy with four degrees whose job it is to explain stuff to the press.

No, it’s going to be infuriating, as usual.

A strict literalist would ban having one’s behaviour/senses altered. It lets you drink a glass or two and still stay in the safe zone, but also bans stuff like getting high as a kite on weed. It also makes a whole lot more sense than the whole “have a sip of wine and go straight to hell” line, socially speaking.

Give it another few months.

I don’t think any of the above registers as a scandal anymore for Republican voters, so I can see his logic.

I know, right? My father lived in Paris when the Germans arrived and his family was part of the 1940 exodus. He vaguely recalls roads chock-full with cars, carts, carriages - anything that had wheels basically - and having to dive in ditches or bushes when German warplanes strafed the fleeing civilians. He was 6 years

Child of Light is my favourite PS3-era RPG. I’m ashamed to say I never finished it - I got to what I assume to be the last dungeon, but then had a complicated move that lasted months, during which my PS3 got buried in boxes, and I kind of lost track. I should really go back and complete it because it’s such a bold,

Dark City, please.

You know what, I’m going to reply here too because Aimee needs to read this.

What the hell are you on?

This part was hideously formulated. This all stems from a recent trial where a guy who had sex with an 11 year-old (yes, wtf) was tried for rape, but the victim failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he had used “force, surprise, threats or ruses” or that she otherwise had not consented.

They’ve got you covered:

Here’s a snapshot of how internet works where I live, for context - because it feels like in the US any internet or mobile plan costs $100 and everyone thinks it’s normal.

And I mean, even if they did replace him, wouldn’t that just mean they used an election with an unpalatable candidate (whose potential victory solely relies on the fact that Alabama is apparently home to the high-turnout demonic hordes of the abyss) to seat a candidate nobody voted for, thus neatly bypassing the

So at the end of the day, how much did Whitefish get (in actual cash transferred, not owed) for essentially not doing anything in PR?

In the mind of your average Alabama Republican voter, two consenting adult men having sex is more offensive than a grown 32-year-old man fondling a 14-year-old girl.

Are we seriously already at the point where you crazies call for the abolishment of the free press? Wow, I honestly never thought the USA would devolve into a banana republic in less than a year.

I’m past peak Marvel at this point (TV/theater-wise) but I do have a soft spot for Agents of Shield.