
He’s getting really good marks there too, didn’t you hear?

Libtard Californians better not ask for FEMA’s help... But those conservative assholes from Florida who voted against Sandy relief, they should get the whole package!

Unless it doubles again in two weeks...

In fairness, if anyone who’s brown and isn’t an illegal would just kindly die already, it would make ICE’s job so much simpler!

You know, my dad is in his 80s now. He lived through occupied France during WW2 (as a kid obviously) and has never had time for BS - but he reacts to Ouija boards the exact same way yours reacts to tarot decks. He still refuses to tell the story though.

I’ve always thought that was a strange defense. Like “oh, he’s not really gonna do this” or “he doesn’t mean that” or “sure he said that but what he actually meant was...”. Like, if your basis for supporting that guy is that he doesn’t actually mean what he’s saying, shouldn’t you be supporting the people who aren’t sa

Love how while the entire western world spent the last century or so trying to move towards increased social justice - with varying levels of success, sure - the leader of the country formerly known as the greatest country in the world just decided that fuck it, poor people should just accept that healthcare’s a

And does that work? Cause I’ve heard some guys just obliviously barrel through any outwards hints of ‘this lady is *taken*’ (in itself, a problematic expression and mindset).

Hah! In that photo you can clearly see the lights are on. Fake news!!

Well in fairness to myself, I didn’t hear a lot of actual arguments besides a rather vague ‘it’s not the same thing at all’, and I don’t know anyone in government who could explain it properly to me. Consider me educated now, though.

Well actually, that’s not what mansplaining is at all.

True, but he’s bad enough that I don’t want to give it another shot.

You know, I’ll admit that before Trump, I did occasionally think they should just put a CEO or equivalent up there, and how hard could it be, it’s just like a very big company etc. etc. Consider me thoroughly schooled though. You can stop this experiment now, I totally get that it doesn’t work.

You don’t see one that long for Canada or Mexico either, and they don’t fill their borders with uneducated misfits on a power trip.

this unique car and its M-pressive price tag

serving and protecting Americans at every stage of life, beginning at conception

“We don’t believe that bans have ever worked on anything*,”

It’s probably a bummer for them, then, that I still have a copy of that spreadsheet in my internet cache :/.

Minor correction: “But it was not one won,” a literal translation of “C’était pas gagné,” which is a colloquial way of expressing lack of confidence going into a project.

“Oh, and also I gave her a burial at sea because I thought she was a viking.”