
You can be very proud of all of your peopl- all of our people working together,” he also slipped, condescendingly tapping the arm of a man I assume is the governor.

It is trivial to locate the spreadsheet with that screenshot. Can confirm it’s still up as of now.

Or, say, literally any other region in Europe. If you go down this rabbit hole the world map explodes in a million tiny fragments.

So a reasonably wealthy and, in their opinion, over-taxed subset of the population wants to secede and you think that’s a great idea?

You bet your ass the government’s gonna roll with that bogus ISIS claim, cause it’s either that or admit there can be white male domestic terrorists. ISIS fits their narrative much better.

Right? I know he’s not a complete saint and all, but man he’s pulling us forward so hard. It’s like sci-fi tech becomes side-benefits from all his projects. “Mars in a decade - and oh, by then we’ll be able to ship you anywhere on Earth in 50 minutes, easy.”

Well that’s voter fraud in favor of Trump so we won’t talk about it.

“I’m voting against this” said any time before the vote just means “call me and let’s negotiate.”

Don’t be an ass.

Trump doesn’t believe Puerto Rico is part of the US. Fake news!

Thanks. I thought it was not ok to drug someone without their consent but everyone’s like haha, laughs were had.

Congress is on the clock and so the bill must pass

I am more convinced than ever that Trump is actually trying to provoke DPRK into some act that he can use as an excuse to start a nuclear war, counting on the American default response of supporting the President in time of war—and all just to make the Russia investigation fade away.

Friend of mine is in Guadeloupe. House is still standing but no power or water.

Still have my original Gameboy cartridge of Metroid II. Please place your bids below.

I’m playing Dishonored 2. I’m at the Dust District. I’m really digging the fact you’re plastering Meagan Foster with two arms looking evil all over the headers for articles about the DLC; it’s not spoilery at all.

So, PR moves yes, but like principles and shit, no. Got it, Harvard.

a lot of people are saying and people have actually written, ‘Gee, Trump may have had a point.’

It’s like she’s not getting that the hate she’s getting is for being on the wrong team.