
Wait what? So what is, functionally, the difference between getting a large shot of vecuronium bromide and, say, getting a very large corrections officer to sit on the inmate’s chest for as long as it takes? Doesn’t it basically cause prisoners to die by asphyxiation while fully conscious (give or take the effect of

Because it shits all over 60 years of history. In a world of US, China, Russia, Gulf investment, and emerging population nexuses like India and Africa, how relevant exactly do you think France can be all alone with its aging population, strained social protection, and non-existent growth? There’s no way forward but a

Probably the one whose wife is pregnant.

And if that fails, Frexit. He’s said it enough times and repeated it less than a week ago. But fair enough, that doesn’t qualify as ‘asap’.

While that’s true, the circumstances of the first turn were different and he was well slapped down in the second turn (18/82). Whereas here, pollsters are currently foreseeing a 40/60 split, which I anticipate will only grow closer as overconfidence grows...

I agree with basically all of your points. If the past presidency has proven anything, it’s that campaign promises mean little in the fact of the immense inertia of a country where power is so often split (at least) 4 ways between the executive, the legislative, the judicial and the street, which happily vetoes

Wait, where’d she disappear to? Now that you mention Conway it’s like she vanished a month ago. Did she finally get a one-way to the gulag?

And that sucks. I mean it’s great that (fingers crossed!) we won’t see Le Pen president, but holy shit how did we get here? In the 90s the NF floated around 15%; in 2007 they couldn’t do better than 10.5%. In 2002, the last time Le Pen made it to the second turn, Chirac won with 82% of the votes. And now they’re a

‘Mildly critical’ as in ‘the only thing he and Le Pen agree on is that France should leave the EU asap’?

If Trump manages to get a US city nukes in his first 100 days, do we at least get to see impeachment proceedings? Or is the ever-proud, ever-united American people going to rally around their leader like they did after 9/11 and retaliate against the wrong enemy?

That’s a great point, the whole overbooking thing doesn’t even apply in the first place.

Step 1: wait a week for community feedback on technical details

What I see from the contract of carriage is that they have the right to remove someone in certain conditions (such as imminent danger, or not wearing shoes - I shit you not: contract of carriage rule 21.H.5) but not just because they fee like it or because they sold too many tickets. They have the right to deny his boa

He had already boarded; this was removal from the flight.

As I pointed out elsewhere they do have the right to overbook, and they do have the right to deny boarding as a result of overbooking. However, the way their contract of carriage is written, I’m fairly sure that they don’t have the right to remove someone who has already boarded (at least not just because they’re

As far as I can tell to deny boarding is not the same as to remove from the flight. Rule 25 only mentions the former; what United did was the latter.

The passenger had already boarded the flight. This was removal from the flight, which is a different situation altogether according to United’s Contract of Carriage. If that guy finds a competent lawyer the airline is going to get skewered.

I’d like to point out that according to United’s own Contract of Carriage, they can’t remove someone involuntarily from a plane if they already allowed him to board. They can ask for volunteers, and then they can deny boarding - but once you’re on the plane, they can’t touch you.

Since it’s written in United’s fucking Contract of Carriage, which you can find here.

We apologize for the overbook situation.