Give it up. FCA has nothing right now that holds a candle on the twisties to the Z/28 or GT35R

I have an 82CE and it totally does it for me too. I fell hopelessly in love with that car the first time I layed eyes on her and a year and a half later she was mine. With those curves and “silver beige” paint that’s really more like white gold, I never get tired of looking and the interior feels like it was custom

Damn, her new car ended up a pole, and now she’s going to have to hit the pole harder to get a new one.

Why do you always yell at Jalopnik? What did Jalopnik do to you?

No, these cars aren’t designed for drag, they’re designed for handling. So what REALLY matters is the lateral gs they can pull. Headline number should be LATERAL G’S, not TRAP SPEED.

Well by now we all know one thing- their engines are fucking garbage

What if that one candidate is known to be corrupt and it was proven in black and white that the party that backed her suppressed votes, violated multiple laws, and otherwise did really unethical things? Still goin to vote for em?

Wow. You literally just lifted a classic from the Republican playbook. “Those dirty liberals don’t have jobs!” Nice. And you people wonder why Bernie supporters will not get behind your candidate.

is it just me, or does the protesting crowd sound suspiciously white and male?

What is wrong with you?

Yeah, except the problem with that logic is that if everybody abides by it then we will always have a shitty, rigged, two-party system where we have to choose between the “lesser of two evils” because people don’t believe the system can be changed. I refuse to vote for either of these clowns.

Oh look another ‘liberal’ who informs their personal politics not on experience or understanding, but takes them directly from a fucking comedian. You’re the punchline bitch.

everything’s misogyny!

Agreed. In my cable throttle car, a QUICK stab at the throttle will send the engine screaming toward redline. In my electric throttle car, it might move 500rpm. Also, engine size (and flywheel weight) has a big impact. A small 4 Cyliner will rev MUCH faster than the big straight 6.

just throw a hand grenade in that piece of shit and call it a day

No you wouldn’t

I mean, the FBI director also said she was “extremely careless” and any competent person in her position wouldn’t have done what she did. His findings also plainly contradict the many defenses Clinton presented to the public. Shouldn't we talk about that when we decide if this person should be president?

If a wheel falls off a stanced car, and there’s no camera there to catch it, does the handling really change?

And a minute later he comes back to see if he’s OK. Did you watch?

What’s an article?