Whooo Lemonparty!

He could have Dodged it, but *puts sunglasses on* he chose to Ram it.

Thank you for mentioning the final drive ratio change. My work here is done.

Mmmm, no thanks. And I own an FR-S.

I couldn’t watch the video after the person pronounced NUCLEAR wrong. Seriously what southern state education did you receive?

Too soon bro. Too soon

Cool car, but that photo ruins it. Is it HDR? Is it slopping layer masking? Who knows or cares, it’s just bad!

No, you are allergic to people questioning your stance that non-women cannot fathom your suffering (I doubt you’ve ever really suffered) and would have the balls, pun intended, to try and stand up for something you ultimate believe in because who needs men.

Employee side discrimination/civil rights attorney who gets to see on a daily basis how bias hurts and sometimes actually ruins lives. Most of my clients are black men and women with some hispanic claimants. I’ve had a few religious discrimination cases, disability, conviction records etc. I’ve seen one or two

We already know rockets work but it’s still significant each time SpaceX or Blue Origin takes a step forward.

Huh, didn’t know they offered the SS trim on the 81 Vette.

Dear Gods of the Autobahn, make us a new 928.

DAMN... Jalopnik comments are serious business. Watch out, folks.

You lease GTI’s? Yikes...

I think he’s been following the thread which is why he sarcastically asked you how many GTIs you’ve driven because you’ve mentioned it 6 fucking times. Jesus Christ

Wait, how many GTIs have you driven consecutively again? I forgot.


Sure, bit for a driver’s/weekend car, not sure people care... Throttle response is what I want in a car like this... I don’t mind high RPM.