yes you should be shocked... up till now.. all american cars had boat suspension and 70 litre v8s no steering capability and a fuel economy of 4 gallons to the mile... this thing is ground breaking..

Dirt. Canada's most valuable resource.

Ah yes, we should get men to be interested in feminism (a movement that was started by women to fight for women’s liberation) because it benefits them and because it “leads to more satisfying sex”.

I’ve worked as a reactor operator at a commercial nuclear power plant (i.e. electrical power generation, not weapons fuel production) for years. As an industry, we are perhaps the most heavily regulated business venture in existence. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is responsible for ensuring that we operate our

They're Jezebel bloggers now.

The 2017 Fiat Abarth 124 Spider is coming, and it will be the greatest car forever and ever and I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU SAY SHUTUP.

When asked about his spare pedal, Mason backpedaled, “Humans are naturally bipedal. So I went in to buy a pedal. That way, when someone asks what’s with the pedal, I can put the pedal to the metal and peddle my pedal nonsense."

It is sexist to find people attractive and publicly state that?

Now playing

I can’t believe no one’s posted this yet

Have a feeling Chiron buyers can afford both and not have to deal with those silly life things called decisions.

Unleaded water only; none of that Flint stuff.

Later, dudes! Let her rip. Hang ten.

This is simply not true. It might have been true a decade ago (even then - not really).

Oh sorry, I had already concluded that you were an idiot based on your previous comments, so I mistook your hyperbole for further idiocy. My mistake. Perhaps if you had used it sooner, I would have caught on.

Bravery isn't telling everyone else how brave you are.

And yet I have insulted no one, and you have insulted me and everyone who doesn't share your opinion.

Here’s a strapon for you all. If you want to be a man you might as well look the part. Just another day of thug life dykes on Jezebel. Hoo-ra. MEN R BAD, HA HA! WE HATE MEN. Yeah, we get it. Next gen stuff, ladies. (Hey don’t blame me, I was just here for the shark story)

Hey, I’m the director of the international association of white men and I just greenlighted another slave movie while ignoring the rights of all the non-white male earth dwellers. We want you to know we’re one united front and no articles on Gawker will change our position on world domination.

top speed will decrease because of drag but you can be faster around a track overall as the downforce allows you to carry more speed through turns.