Yeah, but bc of them you have so many more options in grocery stores and at restaurants. Silver lining!
Yeah, but bc of them you have so many more options in grocery stores and at restaurants. Silver lining!
Pediatricians are trained to advise on the physical, psychological, and social health and safety of their patients. Cosleeping with infants increases the risk for SIDS.
It’s a joke?
The author is saying the same thing. Don’t begrudge people who appreciate the finer details of certain things just because we don’t understand or see value in discerning them.
That’s literally what the author is saying though. Don’t get bent out of shape because some people do appreciate the finer things...
She changed my mind.
According to my neurology clerkship Director, everyone is allowed one seizure per lifetime.
Claire Underwood
I don't understand the reference!
Kitties, too.
Is she a velcro dog? Most pit rescues I've seen like to use their owners for furniture.
Oh! She's a German short-haired pointer!
That's amazing. What type of dog?