
Literally everything a feminist does or says plays into their stupid narrative. Who cares what they think of us?

Women have been collectively treated like shit for centuries. Centuries.

There’s also a lot of juices and snacks in that bathroom for me, a human being who prefers to do my shitting and my eating in distinct areas. And who stores their toothbrush IN the sink? Do you leave it there when you wash your hands, and let the soapy wastewater douse it?

“ watching her parents, who are both engineers...”

Because they don’t want to. The right to choose extends past abortion, people! Don’t worry about other women’s wombs or eggs (in this case).

And there is more! Williams was let go from a different high school last year over the same technique. He also threatened child gymnasts between ages 6-11 at a local gym that he would “punch (them) in the face” if they hesitated or could not complete a requested stunt. This has been brushed off by more than one adult

To the “if they can’t do the splits crowd”: well then he should have cut her. The answer is never to physically harm your students.

You are one hundred percent right. Sports culture in this country is disturbed. And the toleration of bodily injury and pain is probably the worst thing about it. Throughout high school, college and grad school I’ve watched star athletes be praised for doing the exact same thing: injuring themselves and then taking on

Some light digging on FB unearthed a former acquaintance of this coach who was accusing him of stealing from and ripping off former gymnastics facilities, families, and students.

There have been so many horrible stories lately about kids being abused by coaches or teammates, I am starting to think I should never let my child play sports.

This is sports culture in America. Sports teams get amazing funding as teachers are struggling to keep pencils in their classrooms, many of our colleges rank sports as more important than classes, sports are being pushed onto kids younger and younger, and they’re only getting more extreme. And I don’t mean like fun,

The thing here that made me particularly sad was that it sounds as if the son, despite the repeated digs at him and his beliefs, still was the one apologizing and trying to make things work.

There are ways to experience a know another’s culture without creating a vantage point of one culture being the ‘other’- Anthropology inherently takes a view point that non-white non-European cultures are subjects to be studied. It compares the societies to white european christian norms. The close a culture is, the

Family organization is largely matriarchal...

Anthropology is white-created field still dominated by white influence.

Here’s the thing: Playing a sport for a school—whether high school or college—has some prestige. You can’t deny that student athletes are treated very well at their schools, especially if they play in a small town that may not have much going for it. And many colleges will use their athletics as a recruiting point. If

10 months in a juvenile prison is not a punishment that fits the crime.

Your analogy doesn’t work. In this case, he DOES get to go to the school he wants, but should he be allowed to be a public face for the school? Does he deserve to be on television and promotional materials and literally represent his school to the public? I would argue not. I think most people would. Let the

Like all the NFL players who totally learn their lesson?

Because playing sports is a privilege not a right.