Tears sure give me headaches... and pink eye.
Tears sure give me headaches... and pink eye.
"But one thing that really changes is the aesthetic of the game in 60 fps. We're going for this filmic look, so one thing that we knew immediately was films run at 24 fps. We're gonna run at 30 because 24 fps does not feel good to play. So there's one concession in terms of making it aesthetically pleasing, because it…
There should be no issues as long as V-Sync is enabled - with disabled V-Sync I can see people getting headaches...
60fps matter. It is the reason I abandoned console-gaming and built myself a gaming-PC instead.
I heard that the 360 version is plagued by tearing - this is the cause of your headaches - not the framerate. What you need is V-Sync, so you get 60 full frames rather than the chopped up ones... sadly the 360 can't handle it.
Sorry, but bringing the Wii U over is the root problem here - never do that. Tell 'em to get their own... that's how I got my friends to buy consoles.
This has nothing to do with individual preference - this is primal instinct, patterns that trigger chemistry - a biologic reaction. Of course there are people with hormone imbalances who may not react to these shapes - but that's more of a condition than a decision.
Not true - the male's stimulating display is not his penis - it is his V-shape that's the thing women consider as sexy and masculine - and there's plenty of that in movies.
Who gave them money?!
The only thing disgusting about this is how much food is being wasted by society...
Come on now - the only reason your kid would believe he's doing something gross is because you have conditioned it to think that eating trash in public is a bad thing. Young children usually don't care much for this kind of stuff - it's not like eating with your bare hands is a traumatisingly alien concept... it is…
Sorry, but this is all kinds of wrong - pretty much for the same reason people shouldn't necessarily rush into the Afterlife - Be happy for what you got! We'll all degenerate and need implants and prothesis soon enough...
If he would have photoshopped photo's of his younger self into it - then it would be cute. As is though it's SUPER CREEPY!
I think 2K will be the highest I will ever go - because at that resolution you can turn off Anti-Aliazing without even noticing it - so that's the benefit here. Other than that I'm way more excited about VR-Gaming than I am about higher resolutions.
Now it all makes sense!
As crazy as the myth sounds - I still believe there is a connection between chronic masturbation and eyesight loss, but it's an indirect one due to zinc deficiency.
Yeah right - where did this guy get his infos from? Not bad for your eyes, Seriously?! Almost everyone of my gaming friends wears glasses by now. Guess what, they were born with normal eyesight - and if they don't wear glasses they wear contacts. Color saturation and blue light spectrum in particular is aggressive on…
Lightning is like that annoying older Sister that always kills the fun and tells you what to do - or at least that's how I perceive it...
So how big was that Japanese Popularity poll once again? Just so we can compare it...
Rayman Revolution is a damn fine game - I'd pick that over Call of Duty any day. Guess he still has a long way to go, since he can't appreciate good games... he's the one who is being immature here!