
I hate this guy, he should go and get his own apartment first - it always sounds like he's whispering so he doesn't wake his parents or something...

Translation: "We are holding it back until Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. have boosted sales."

I'm playing some basketball with friends - the weather is nice here in south Germany :)

Or this game is maybe simply targeting another audience - maybe they're just aiming to introduce a new generation of players to this franchise. Hence the NEW in the title - which makes it easy for people who seek an entrance to the franchise - thus why not just pick up Yoshis New Island? I've never played a Yoshi game

It depends on the Artstyle and the Genre of the Game - a game with lots of detail and fast action should run at a high resolution with Ambient Occlusion at mmooth 60fps if not more - I also believe stereo 3D enhances depth perception and therefore adds way more to a game like Tomb Raider than the rather distracting

But you would agree these games are worth more than $0,69 though?

Quality and Creativity no longer sell in this industry - at least not at premium price points.

The Wii U is a great console - all that's needed is people actually getting some hands-on time with it... Eventually it will turn into a success just the way the 3DS did.

I don't quite get her style - edgy princess?! WTF! :/

What happended to cheat codes?...

I really want to try this game - I just wished they had released a better PC port... well, maybe they'll get it right with Dark Souls 2?

The convenience of Steam has turned me into a PC gamer.

That's the problem with Chinese people - they never care about anything. They just don't feel responsible - they don't do things out of their own conviction - they are simply there, and follow instructions - first they do whatever their parents ask them to do, then their teachers, then their bosses - it's a very

There's a little Clueless Gamer in all of us ;)

A shame people will remember the Wii for Wii Sports instead of Skyward Sword - which in my opinion is the perfect showcase for the precision and benefits motion control provides.

Whatever - I believe TV commercials are addressing a different demographic anyway. Core-Gamers get most of their info from the Nintendo Directs.

The sweet sensation of deflation...

Thief 3

But think about it - THIS is what truly makes it a Nintendo experience - and maybe it is why your little sister wants to play Nintendo games with you so much - because she associates it with being together with family. That's what Nintendo games do: they bring people together. I agree though - they should find a way

I still think it will give you the runs. But everyone should make his own experiences I guess...