
I often say the same thing about my puppy (I swear, his back legs when he's laying on his back look just like little chicken cutlets that I want to fry up and nom nom nom nom). Also, he smells like fritos. So I say women just want to eat adorable things.


How did they allow her letter to get out? You'd think if they've covered up things like beating a woman to death and not wanting to harm her because of her status, they'd make sure no information like this got out? Am I missing something?

Some Miley fan made a onesie that says "sex, drugs, and rap." And waited to see her musical idol MILEY CYRUS.

It's worse for women, no doubt, but it's not just women, either. I am male and 34 and feel completely crushed by the expectations that I should be much, much "further along in life" than I am right now.

Men not pitching in equally has less to do with feminism and everything to do with picking a shitty mate. If a woman has a lazy husband, if she's doing all of the housework and all of the parenting, that's no one's fault but her own. She chose him, she bred with him, live with it or get a divorce. I'm so tired of

Adam Scott/Ben's wife Leslie is now his Stepbrother's father's new wife and his incredibly fucked up Party Down co-worker Jane Lynch is his fake therapist/sounding board and Rob Corrdry's recently discovered son from Scranton is his brother?


In a weird way I'm glad to hear about a vigilante-type figure on the pro-choice side of the fence since all we ever seem to hear about are psychotic pro-lifers. I'm glad this person took the risk— however small— to get this information out there. Its important.

The latex Bikini clung tightly to her buttox as she pressed up against him, head down. Miley glanced back at Robin, and their eyes met in a steaming gaze.

herpes-infected non-native primates

...and we'll look down and whisper, "No."

Dear the entire Catholic church,

Please do not ever open your fucking mouth ever fucking again on the topics of decency, dignity, or morality, until you stop sheltering child rapists and child torturers from the rule of secular law. You are a morally bankrupt institution. It doesn't matter how many hungry people you

Team Landlord.