
I was wondering that myself.

Every time I read articles like this, it makes me feel so...like...just...depressed and angry? Deprangry. What in the hell is this country going to do? Seriously. It's getting bad. Is class warfare a thing anymore? And what in the world can anyone do about it?

Oh fuck, he's looks so fucking serious. Oh my god he's so cute. Oh fuck. Look at his consternation! And lack of eyebrows! And teeeeny little mouth. Oh man. And converses! Ah!

She's too good for him.

Are they? I live there...haven't seen anything. Weird.

Oh hey! I see Leon's and 246 in this movie! Any other Atlanta/Decatur people unreasonably excited about this?

Right? I haven't listened to it but I'm like 98% sure that I'll like it. Because Katy Perry, guys. Katy Perry.

True story time: He grew up with one of my friends that I used to work with. One day, he came into the unnamed now-defunct book store that rhymes with "Lorders" that I worked at. She introduced him to me as Joaquin and in the course of conversation, he mentioned that his nom de hip hop was Wocka Flacka Flame. And

Honestly- and I'm trying my damnedest not to be mean here- it seems to be for people who are really scared they won't make friends. I'm from Atlanta, GA, so I had a few friends that went to places like UGA, Ole Miss, and GA Southern. There's this, like, idea, that the campuses are so large that you won't be able to

This gif is wonderful!

The Australian accent thing is just golden. Amazing. Herpes...not so much.

Age: 19

Fuuuuucccccck that is a bad/hilarious one.

Wait, I...what? Are you replying to me specifically? Maybe I wasn't super clear in my original post, but you don't need to worry about me! My goal is to lose a pound a week, and my goal weight is like 150 pounds...I'm like, really, severely, emotionally and mentally sound, swearsies.

Yep. I really do think that I have freakishly good self-esteem (I don't know how I won that lottery, but I did somehow), and it was only when people stopped telling me I was pretty on the regular that I was like, hm. Has something changed? Did I put on some weight? I stepped on the scale, and I'd gotten up to 180

Oh hey! This was me! At 14, I was 5 foot flat and 140 pounds. Looking back, that's not exactly fucking gigantic, but I was a teenage girl and all of my friends were very tall and very thin and so I felt like a damn cow with them. So I decided, one day, that I was going to lose weight. And I did! I worked out for

Yeah, I remember telling my girlfriends that if he was cute, it could be, like, a thing. You know? Like, a love thing.

Another (former) OkCupider here. Been with my feller for almost a year and a half now and I couldn't be happier. He's literally the best person I've ever met, so, you know, woo!

Me too. I also thought I was about to have a panic attack when she had to go on stage after Russell Brand told her he wanted a divorce VIA TEXT MESSAGE. Oh my God. She got all the points for keeping it together for that one. Say what you will about Katy Perry, but bitch is a pro.

Well, I'm southern born and raised, past and present, so I'll say it for you: "Bless her heart".