
Does Los Cronocrímenes have a cult following? It probably should. How many other time-travel movies are also such a uniquely disturbing spin on the slasher movie?

This is why I liked the reveal of True Detectives antagonist. Because the show had been building up the conspiracy, building up the power of this killer. we were being built up to think this killer was powerful. Was he a king ? Was he a governor? Was he a GOD?

many of these threads spend a lot of time in the 80's

What did I spoil? She doesn't die in the movie, she's dead at the beginning of the movie. THERE IS NO SPOILER! THAT'S LIKE SAYING THAT MENTIONING THAT LUKE SKYWALKER LIVES WITH HIS AUNT AND UNCLE IS A SPOILER!

He's a much better director, even say cinematographer, than writer.

What I get from this is great spectacle, poorly written in really silly ways, which is what I have been saying about Nolan for 6 years.

I would submit Ruth Wilson for the first Femme!Doctor, however Jaime would kill it as well.

I know this will only show in the greys, because I don't comment often, but I do frequent the site. I was realllllllly sad this year because I didn't get to read all the stories. I would try to scroll to the bottom and my browser would just lock up after loading the extra comments, every single time. I have an older

It's probably tailored but I wouldn't be surprised if it is still quick-cut, a familiar cinematic indication of a party atmosphere where many things are happening at once.

the story kind of lacked a soul but it visually was pretty good, and Matt Ryan was pretty solid as John. It shows potential. Next few episodes will really tell with the new female lead.

Ugh, another episode that ends with a 15 second cameo by "Missy". Please stop!

Sho' nuff:

Now playing

Technically not a speech because nobody heard it, but still gives me chills...

Now playing

Created this account and posted, solely because I love this scene SO MUCH.

While I dislike the overuse of the "dark and gritty" tag as much as the next guy, I would say Daredevil has a perfectly good reason for having a darker tone. At its heart it's a street level crime drama where bad shit happens to people. Daredevil tries to help the people who don't get the Avengers or Fantastic Four

Of all the many avenues for conflict that this show's already set up, do they really need to set up a love triangle to pit Jenny and Abbie against each other? Really?

I like Tom Hardy but I wish a character from the middle east weren't necessarily played by an English dude of Irish descent.