The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

I’m still waiting for Patrick Stewart to get his superpower of being able to magically make the clothes of someone’s back disappear.

I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry.

I’m reading these now for the first time, and god damn. These are considered YA books? Because uhh this shit is intense. And I already know to hate that damn monkey.

If he didn’t deserve to be impeached before, he does now. Posting a Nickelback video is indisputably a high crime, and needs swift and severe punishment.

I’d love to see the Cytherians make a reappearance.

Joule thief!

Nah. Bring me the USS Titan, a battered but tough ship under the command of a Captain who never knew how to give up, and a beloved who should never sit at the helm.

Two words: carbon fiber.

FUN FACT!: In the NA Miatas the door is actually used to reinforce the chassis. In fact the aftermarket even makes this cool thing to help with that. (Below)

Look, she definitely tossed that cat a bit rougher than I would have but if you’ve ever owned a cat, you know it was just fine.

I have to disagree with you here. A lot of the smokey flavor of the grill is generated by fat dripping onto the hot coals or heating element. You severely minimize this by using a skillet. I do have a Weber grill pan to prevent small items from falling in. that does have small holes that would allow some of that fat

best thing I ever did was say screw the grillmarks, and plop my cast iron skillet on top of the grate. This gives me the best of both worlds. All my meat and veggies get the perfect, even crust, while absorbing the smoky grill flavor that only cooking over a coal fire can provide. 

Chakotay - Full Maori style face tatoo, smokes a pack a day, borderline alcoholic
7of9 - all borg want to assimilate people into a hippie party collective she rebels against it and is super into being a stuck up bureaucrat
Torres - only speaks Klingon, refuses to use the translator, still into Tom
Kim - gimp suit with

I always liked how a transporter malfunction not only merged Neelix and Tuvok’s DNA, but merged their outfits into one FABULOUS uniform! It’s like the transporter suddenly went all Queer Eye.

So how exactly do you Mirror-verse most of them?”

0 to 60 in less than 3 seconds. 60K starting price for the base model.

Oh Jalopnik.  You’re going to have to come up with some pretty good ideas on how folks should hate this car.   Good luck. 

I’m seeing it for Robbie Reyes, aka, GHOST RIDER as a Terminator.

“Swatting a Fly Without Killing It May Cause It Pain for the Rest of Its Life, Study Finds”

So they made her Hakka.
... interesting choice.
Mulan, as by the ballad and dramas, came from the north. She lived when non-Chinese ruled (either the Toba-Wei or the Mongols) and when it wasn’t completely unheard of that women take to the weapons. Yet it is implied that although she had the support of her family (they

Karnak! Give me Keanu Karnak!!!!