The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

As a battling defender of STD, That’s hilarious!

I feel like her character is the viewer surrogate as the character pretty much sums up my feelings about Discovery.

This has literally been me for the past 30 minutes.

An old joke, but I hope it lifts your day.

“the company claims the new speakers set themselves apart with mesh networking technology.”

After only glancing at the gif, I thought Boston Dynamics put out a new robot, honestly. 


Hell, man! Are you telling me that I’ve had brown lung all this time!?!

You know ordering a Black and Tan is offensive, right? Don’t do it in an Irish bar in New England if you don’t want your teeth kicked in.

I miss grunge.

Just a quick primer on the Saturn series, since I’m sure it will come up:

I made tacos for dinner. They were good tacos. The trick is to fry the tortilla in a little bit of butter. Really brings out the flavor. 

The Discovery getting ready to engage the spore drive then splatting into the mycelial network might be my favorite special effect the show has done.

While I was watching the episode last night, it occurred to me that we might be seeing the background for the Genesis Project. I’m not completely sure yet how they’ll bridge the technological gap between the Mycelial network and the Genesis Device, but I can’t shake the feeling this’ll all connect to Genesis by

Okay, sooo, (some) people know that the character of Harley Quinn didn’t originate in the comics, but from BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES in 1992. Stay with me on this one...

Counterpoint: No.

As a 30 something IT admin going into CySec, this was incredibly insightful. Thank you. 

It’s just a nicer way to describe someone so that they’re not defined by their housing situation. We don’t call Americans who live in mansions “mansion people.” They’re people who live in mansions.