The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

Thank you for sharing this. 

Now don’t get me wrong. I like the sentiment behind this ever since I heard about the push to do this years ago. However...

This is why we cant have nice things, goddamnit!

I’ve loved Discovery since Binary Stars, and I’ve wrestled with Disco regarding why I love Trek in general. I hold TNG as the gold standard of humanity’s Asimov-ian style self-reflection, and while I can point to several scenes in Disco of character waxing philosophically about upholding the ideals of Starfleet and

So....Is 65 going to be a 5 part saga?

I’ll see myself out.

This is immediately what came to mind:

This is immediately what came to mind:

I saw bloodshot in theaters the day before they shut down locally for me. It’s not the most.....unpredictable movie, but DAMN it was a lot of fun. I really hope they go forward. 

I’ve played through the 10th anniversary episodes on STO and she did a fantastic job. I do wish the graphics engine STO uses could project emotion a bit better since it’s facial rendering still a little uncanny valley for me.

This was by far, my favorite episode yet. For the Ship nerds out there, did anyone else see the silhouette of his former ship, USS Ibn Majid and think of USS Emmet-Till from What We Left Behind? PLEASE allow me the nerdgasmic release of seeing one on screen!

Ahhh...the catharsis of chaotic good. 

I have a deep desire to ride this thing into glorious battle.

I love him/her/it! But I just can’t help but to wonder/speculate if next season of The Mandalorian will be written in such a way as to drum up more sales for the Baby Yoda merch misstep this past holiday. My faith says no, but my brain says “plausible?” 

I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry.

Is it just me, or is this the vicarious redemption of boba fett as essentially being the Steve Urkel of the original series? Regardless, this looks spectacular.

I think this is the obvious material choice, but I truly do think it’ll be cost prohibitive for a one-off/custom. 

This is a terrible take. 

This is brilliant and simply needs to be.

“Swatting a Fly Without Killing It May Cause It Pain for the Rest of Its Life, Study Finds”

Karnak! Give me Keanu Karnak!!!!

As a battling defender of STD, That’s hilarious!