The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

Thank you for sharing this. 

BUT... he never felt lonely. From his absolutely phenomenal book, Carrying The Fire, which I read as a NASA-obsessed kid and still own dog-eared on a bookshelf:

Now don’t get me wrong. I like the sentiment behind this ever since I heard about the push to do this years ago. However...

Doug Jones is a gift to us all. 

This is why we cant have nice things, goddamnit!

Ok while I’m looking forward to the continuing adventures of Anson Mount’s pretty damn great Capt Pike, I gotta be honest with you...I really just want more potential ships added to STO. It’s been a while since we got any Disco ships, and Picard only got us La Sirena. More ships!

What if Mandalorian season 2 is the Ahsoka and Sabine show?

thats what i thought while doing it :P

thats what i thought while doing it :P

This is immediately what came to mind:

This is immediately what came to mind:

lol I have one arm in a sling so shaving/trimming the beard has been a PITA anyways, so I zip tied the end of my shop-vac hose to my microphone boom arm, set it right in front of my face, and put in ear plugs then trimmed my beard sitting at my desk and it worked surprisingly awesome :P

lol I have one arm in a sling so shaving/trimming the beard has been a PITA anyways, so I zip tied the end of my

Hindsight being what it is, you could not introduce the character any more perfectly, because she does go on one of the greatest arcs in all of SW.

The after-episode stuff explains what Caleb is to Dolores.

He challenges her thinking on humans. He is not like what she assumes humanity to be. He made a choice not to give her up and that intrigues her, because it was unexpected. Sure, she’s rolling him into her plans, but he was not necessary for them. She wants to

Oh, sweet! If I can’t bitch about James Bond being a black woman, at least I can whine about Luke Skywalker turning into a girl.

We’re 8 episodes in a brand new Star Trek show and just now we get a glimpse of a cool new Starfleet ship. And it’s a silhouette on a box. This show sure is something.

This was by far, my favorite episode yet. For the Ship nerds out there, did anyone else see the silhouette of his former ship, USS Ibn Majid and think of USS Emmet-Till from What We Left Behind? PLEASE allow me the nerdgasmic release of seeing one on screen!

Ahhh...the catharsis of chaotic good. 

I have a deep desire to ride this thing into glorious battle.

No, it’s literally a Gulf-livery Porsche 917