The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

Oh great, now we're makin' shoggoths.

Chill, I got this.

It's the F'ing Catalina Wine Mixer!

I will not be satisfied with the size of Godzilla until Godzilla erupts from the Sun and can, like, take a chunk out of the moon with his tail.

Mele-on Grayza from Farscape.

I didn't realize we weren't supposed to. I just sort of assume my fridge is magical and will extend the shelf life of absolutely anything I put in there. Eggs, fruit, bread, weed, anything! I realize I am probably wrong on all counts.

As it turns out, the "Time War" was really just a euphemism for The Doctor & The Great Intelligence's booze-&-drug-fueled roadtrip.

Hi all - this is the pilot and maker of the video. Thank you all for your kind comments. Let me answer a few things 1) no, it is not contrived or commercial - it was right place, right time best 2) I am not trying to sell anything but yes I thought afterwards, why not help my dear friend and brilliant designer and

This is glorious.

It's like you read my mind. Google Hangouts just added GIF support and I've been stockpiling files on Drive to use in conversation.

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my glorious powerslides.

ok, we have graphene and aerogel, we should be able to make really lightweight space capsules!


Attractive woman who catches kangaroos with her bare hands?

Well, I guess a bird in the bosom is better than a cock in your palm?

My friend, you don't want Star Trek.

Yes... that's about as close to a racing "heritage" as my nuts are to my eyebrows.