The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

SimCity is the cheating spouse that would just sleep with another partner behind your back again and again. Now, it's been a long while since you two have separated. The divorce papers are a distant memory. Now you see this cheating spouse doing really great things with their life, and you're happy for them... but

All I can think of is "man, I can't wait until space travel becomes commonplace enough to where a group of dirt bikers could take their electric rides to Mars and catch some bitchin' air."

In WW-II there was a dead-serious proposal to spike Hitler's food with estrogen. It's tasteless and would have only a slow effect over time so his food tasters wouldn't notice it right away. The Brits figured it would make him effeminate, less aggressive, and would make his mustache fall off. At one point all the

Better one:

Here's an image you can use for your avatar.

It was good but nothing to lose your head over.

Bourbon is the "World's best"? Bitch, please...

I hereby declare on this the 10th day of October 2013 the year of our lord Vader, that this planet GD 61 shall hence forth be known by the name Alderaan

I can't find a complete cast photo of Battlestar Galactica, but Mary McDonnell and Edward James Olmos will do. Yes, science fiction on television without rayguns and monologing in onesies. The female lead is a middle-aged politician with terminal breast cancer. The male lead is an elderly soldier whose retirement

Will pay money for this.

Can't wait for the 2015 "Godzilla versus Jägers" crossover!

"shaken, scorched and boiled in its own juices."

Guys, seriously, I want you to help me make "leathered to the jimmys" a thing.

Star Trek: Voyager - the whole series should have been a slow degrading of the ship and crew - what they did for the "Year of Hell" episodes (without magically fixing it all). By the end of the series the crew should have been a beaten band of survivors (and half new additions picked up on the way) limping home on a

The fact that Larry Ellison would borrow from the Galactic Empire should come as no surprise to anyone.

I-95. and that Stretch in Florida.

NJ Turnpike. Sure it is well maintained but how many goddamn tolls do you need? And good luck turning around if you miss your exit, you gotta go all the way into PA!!! (exaggeration)