The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!


After only glancing at the gif, I thought Boston Dynamics put out a new robot, honestly. 

Hell, man! Are you telling me that I’ve had brown lung all this time!?!

(because the main character, gasp, doesn’t look like you)

As a 30 something IT admin going into CySec, this was incredibly insightful. Thank you. 

I have huge, and arguably misplaced faith in season 2. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy Season 1. In spite of all of it’s flaws, I loved it. I don’t think the fact that the showrunners switched half way through productions is considered enough when judging it either. It’s an unambiguous tonal shift that disrupted

White people want all of our rhythm, but none of the blues.

I can’t say it’s necessarily rare, but a lot of purists scoff at the idea of modding it in any way. I’m planning on replacing the suspension and slapping on a set of wide tires with fender flares to cover, and a different spoiler. From the reaction I received, you’d swear I was ripping out the hearts of children while

Hi Guys! I have a 99 Miata MX5 10th anniversary with a 6 speed manual. It looks like it sat in a barn for years so it needs a bit of a spit shine. Should I keep it all stock since it’s a 10th anniversary edition or trick it out to my heart’s desire? What would you do?

I don’t know if anyone here ever checked out the site that shows the scale of our solar system called “If The Moon Were Only One Pixel”, but I checked it out to put this (6 million Km) into perspective, which is inarguably an amazing feat.But when you take a look at how far out that is I can’t help but to lie in awe

They must have gotten that ‘thing!’ I sent them.

I figured it was a time thing too...but it was just a glaring omission for me.

Correct, but there’s always a visual implication that would make you know that there’s a forcefield there, usually indicated by a ring of light around the point of entry. But, there wasn’t a damn thing in the bomb bay. Nothing to imply “forcefield” like a ring of lights. It was a glaring omission even when I first

Right, however a forcefield is visibly implied by the ring of light at the perimeter of the point of entry.

I just need to bring up one thing about the bombers (no, not that one thing that everyone talks about) that I haven’t seen anyone else bring up yet....

....Lets assume that the Bombs ‘drop’ in space because of magnets, etc. Fine. Okay. But more importantly, how the hell do you have an open bomb bay door and still

Meals for when you need to change your body to blend in with the Huttese Cartel.

you....may want to read that post again...

Honestly? I want to bring capes back in style just for every day use. They’re practical and look badass. I always have this hypothetical conversation asking if capes were back in style, would you wear one. So, io9, would you?

Not to quote myself, but......

GOOD GOD..... If BMW had a Rocky Dennis edition....